During your last week working with Great Day Fitness Tracking, you will create a 9- to 12-page final plan in Microsoft® Word. Your final plan should: Explain the relationship between processes and inf


Application of Business Information Systems

Katherine Askew


June 22, 2020

Ezam Mohammed

Application of Business Information Systems

As technology continues to impact most areas of modern life, many aspects of life are changing. For example, in the business world, there has been the emergence of trends such as globalization. Therefore as businesses and organizations make decisions, they have to put into consideration more factors that can influence their choices so that they can remain competitive at a global level (Beck, Avital, Rossi, & Thatcher, 2017). There has been the emergence of business information systems to assist in decision making, for example, by providing a better perspective on the effects that a specific business decision will have. Great Day Fitness Tracking can use these business information systems to improve their performance in decision making and marketing by analyzing existing data, achieving this through approaches such as adopting business intelligence technology, which uses the software.

Karen can adopt information systems to generate and distribute data for Great Day Fitness Tracking. One area where information systems are applied in any business is process control. The nature of processes, as well as the time that processes take, can be crucial in determining the success of a company (Kavanagh & Johnson, 2017). Therefore Karen can analyze the processes data in her business and make improvements and adjustments that will improve the competitiveness of her business. Additionally, Karen can apply other information technologies to enhance communication of her business. The dissemination of data within an organization determines how well a company performs. Through data movement, ideas to improve the business shared, and also, coordination is made possible. Information systems can help Karen encourage idea sharing in her business and also ease coordination and also carry out effective marketing. Consequently, improving the performance of Great Day Fitness Tracking and make the business more competitive.

Another way that Karen can apply information systems to improve the business’ competitiveness is by evaluating data related to decisions using simulation models. There is an existing data simulation model that factors in the various levels of advertising and promotion to predict sales in a relatively accurate manner (Kavanagh & Johnson, 2017). The most significant advantage that such a model can provide to Karen’s business is a better understanding of the business environment and the existing competitors by using the available market data. Once the competitors are understood, Karen can then make better decisions in areas of marketing for the Great Day Fitness Tracking business. Business intelligence software can be applied to complement the other efforts that exist to support decision making. Business intelligence is often made possible by software that brings out the value of big data.

Karen can increase the competitiveness of her business by applying business intelligence and tailor-making it to the needs of Great Day Fitness Tracking. Considering the interactive nature of the company, she can use business intelligence to improve customer relationships and also to carry out effective marketing (Trieu, 2017). Business intelligence can also be applied to analyze customer behaviors and improve the effectiveness of the supply chain in the business. By understanding the needs of the clients and the patterns, they show in purchasing products or services, uses this information to plan when to carry out marketing to customers and to provide products at the right time. Meeting the needs of the clients in such a manner can increase their satisfaction and consequently increase competitiveness.

Additionally, business intelligence can be applied by Karen in risk analysis when making marketing decisions. In business, rewards come from risk-taking. Therefore Karen should be well informed about the marketing risk she is about to take and the consequences that will come with the decisions.

In summation, Karen can apply information systems to her business and business intelligence to improve marketing and also increase the competitiveness of her business. By using the collected data in the company, analysis can be conducted on it that can influence the ending results. These tools can increase competitiveness by increasing the chances of success for the decisions made.


Beck, R., Avital, M., Rossi, M., & Thatcher, J. B. (2017). Blockchain technology in business and information systems research.

Kavanagh, M. J., & Johnson, R. D. (Eds.). (2017). Human resource information systems: Basics, applications, and future directions. Sage Publications.

Trieu, V. H. (2017). Getting value from Business Intelligence systems: A review and research agenda. Decision Support Systems93, 111-124.