During your last week working with Great Day Fitness Tracking, you will create a 9- to 12-page final plan in Microsoft® Word. Your final plan should: Explain the relationship between processes and inf


Hardware, software and network needs

Katherine Askew


July 6, 2020

Ezam Mohammed

Needs for software, hardware, and network

There is a need for the identification of the software, network requirements, and software's needs for the firm that will be usable for the support of the business. In this report, there will be a discussion applied for the development of the internal business structure. There will also be an implication of at least two approaches to managing data. They will enhance ease of access, a discussion for the description of all possible network there can also be applied for the business's support. Also, there will be a diagram that will show the possible internal connections (Hasan, 2017).

Hardware and software

There is a need for an eCommerce website that will create a platform for easy of the need user in navigation and easy of transactions. The underlying software and hardware needs include the likes of:

Web server for the identification of a website for the eCommerce, webserver to have the ability to store the HTML, PHP, and the JavaScript files. In this case, the business is small thus will be costly for the management of the hiring of an individual who will be responsible for the managing of the webserver. ( Rouse,2016).

Database server

There is a recommendation for the usage of a Dell PowerEdge tower server. In this case, there is a chance to acquire and get away with an entry-level server for the business. In the purchase of the server, the internet will be for the user since it will save cash. There is an idea that has space to get more in terms of the design also accelerated in the performance at the office.

An eCommerce web site is needed for a customer to trust the present connection security; in this case, there is a need for SSL.

Management of data to have ease of access and security measures

Some approaches used. Such will make sure there is the ease of access as well as security within the cloud. Cloud computing creates an atmosphere for data storage also ton access of data within all the internet sources. (Dell. n.d.). Such will help in the avoiding of a hard drive or even physical servers. Some advantages come about within such an aspect, like the idea of saving as well as a reduction of the needs associated with information technology. However, there is also a disadvantage that comes along within the setup that is in line with the issue of increased risks about security due to the space for disruptions.

The second portion, which is associated with a software present in the firm for datastore. (Beal,2012). There is a need to have an inhouse server. The idea is costly since there are many needs, as the issues of getting aligned with the operation of the designs and staff undergo training. Cloud computing is the best option

Network to help business needs

There are two types of network type will be business. Such include the likes of a local area network and the idea of having an extensive area network. The benefit that comes along the plans is in line with the issues of the connection being of higher speed. The LAN is confined within the area underuse. (Rainer, et al. 2014)On the other and, WANS are slower in performance and speed. Under such aspects, the two can cover larger areas and be enough for the service's needs.


During your last week working with Great Day Fitness Tracking, you will create a 9- to 12-page final plan in Microsoft® Word. Your final plan should: Explain the relationship between processes and inf 1


The idea may not be for big business; however, there is growth in the business idea. In terms of the growth of the company, there is a need for the best in time of the security and measurable performances. An investment in LAN will create space for faster connections and, at the same time, be affordable.


Beal, V. (2012). Five best eCommerce software platforms for small businesses.

Retrieved from



Dell. (n.d.). PowerEdge Tower Servers.

Retrieved from http://www.dell.com/enus/


Hasan, A. (2017). What technologies are needed to build an e-commerce website?


from https://www.arpatech.com/blog/technologies-required-for-ecommerce-store/.

Rainer, R. K., Prince, B., & Cegielski, C. G. (2014).

Introduction to information systems:

Rouse, M. (2016). Local area network (LAN).

Retrieved from
