Hello, the assignment is a continuation of lesson (1-1) in which I included.  The assignment is lesson (2-3) in which all instructions and the worksheet is included. Please no plagiarism and no high t

Hello, the assignment is a continuation of lesson (1-1) in which I included.  The assignment is lesson (2-3) in which all instructions and the worksheet is included. Please no plagiarism and no high t 1

HCM 320 Milestone One Template

Use this template to compile important information and resources for your final project presentation.

  1. Public Health Issue Topic: Identify the public health issue you will use as a basis for your final project presentation. Briefly describe why you choose this topic.

  1. Economic Forces: Briefly describe some economic forces related to your public health issue.

Macroeconomic Forces:

Microeconomic Forces:

  1. Key Regulation Policy: Determine economic policies or regulations that currently apply to your public health issue.

  1. Benefits and Consequences: Identify the perceived benefits and consequences resulting from the legislation supporting your public health issue.

  1. Impact of Regulation or Policy: Describe the economic impact resulting from the legislation supporting your public health issue.

  1. References: Provide links or citations for three scholarly resources that you will use to support your ideas regarding your public health issue.


