PLEASE READ THE Instructions Complete the task of forming teams and assigning responsibilities within the group. As a group, review and develop a team charter agreement. As a group, identify antici

Portfolio VII Team Declaration & Charter

Group Member Names and Degree Programs

Include first and last names of all members of your group and which degree program they are in.

Name of Company & Corporate Headquarter Location

If you choose not to select an entertainment, sports, or music- based company, please note that your solution must be based in entertainment, sports, or music. Be sure to include the location of their corporate headquarters and the stock ticker symbol (if publically traded). Include citations.

Initial Problem & Solution

Explain the reason why you selected this company. What is going on that you think is a problem, need, or opportunity and what do you anticipate will be the solution? Don’t worry if your solution is just a best guess…you’ll be doing research to determine how to develop the most viable solution for the organization. Include citations.

Initial Research that Supports Your Problem & Solution

Conduct preliminary research and identify at least one recent industry report that outlines trends and changes in the industry. Identify the 3 most critical trends of the industry going forward. In addition, include at least 2 cited facts (not the links) that support the need, opportunity, or problem you have identified above. List those facts below and write a narrative following it that explains why each of these facts is relevant to what you are attempting to overcome. Be sure to include in-text citations for your research.

Format Example:

  1. Industry Trend Report Sources

    1. Critical trend data point 1 & write-up to give contextual explanation (include citation)

    2. Critical trend data point 2 & write-up to give contextual explanation (include citation)

    3. Critical trend data point 3 & write-up to give contextual explanation (include citation)

  2. Other Cited Sources & Facts

    1. Quote 1 & write-up to give contextual explanation (include citation)

    2. Quote 2 & write-up to give contextual explanation (include citation)

Delegated Duties and Deadlines for Individual Contribution

Determine who will be responsible for what duties and the deadlines will set for individual contributions. Be sure you are consulting assignment deadlines to give yourself ample time to complete your goals. This should be specific statements and not a general statement such as “everyone is required to do the work equally.” We highly suggest you identify one person to do a final proofread and review to ensure that your submission is turned in as one voice. We also recommend determining who will be responsible for turning in your group work.

Format Example:

  1. As a group, we will….

  2. Individually we will…

    1. Individual responsibility & expectation (including deadline)

    2. Individual responsibility & expectation (including deadline)

    3. Individual responsibility & expectation (including deadline)

  3. We will proofread and edit the assignment by…

  4. The assignment checklist will be compared against the assignment submission by…

Expectations for All Members

I highly suggest you make this as specific as possible – for example, include frequency of meetings or checking of communication, the primary avenue for communication, contribution expectations, and so forth.

Format Example:

  1. As a group, we will….

  2. Individually we will….

  3. If challenges arise, our resolution plan is to….

Psychological Safety

Review the hyperlinked article and accompanying video (approximately 7 minutes total read and watch). Once completed, as a group, discuss the concept of psychological safety within your group and identify three tactics you will use to ensure this is afforded and adhered to within your team.




Research References

Provide any references relevant to your research for this assignment here in proper APA format. These resources should also be carried over to your cumulative list on your strategic proposal template.