I attached about 5 different assignments that need to be follow in the format of the outline chart im attaching. you can use all my info on the assignments but into 3 pages only. I need like 10-15 sou

res assignment 4 6

Res Assignment 4

While autism disorder in young children continues to haunt many parents, studies have suggested early intervention as a means to improve their cognitive ability, communication skills and reduce the disease symptoms. According to Autism Speaks. Com (2014), autism is characterized by challenges in social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. The pressing nature of the disease has made parenting for these children stressful due to the amount of resources and time needed to take care of their children. However, recent suggestions by the experts have given hope to these parents as they continue testing the effects of early interventions programs when fighting autism.

In the current study, we focused on the expected outcomes of early intervention programs in the affected children and their parents. According to Estes, Swain & MacDuffie (2019), parent outcomes should be considered alongside child outcomes in trials of ASD interventions as they both act as predictors of intervention success and as targets of intervention in their own right. We were also interested in the levels of awareness among the society members and the effects of the disease perception by the general public when taking care of the autistic patients

Methods Participants and Sampling Procedure

The study setting was within New Jersey state, focusing on hospitals with high prevalence rates of the disease, parents of these children and members of the society. The sample size included 72 autistic children who complied with the following criteria; parents consented for them to take part in the study, were at early stages of the disorder and their parent were ready to be involved in the study. Stratified sampling was used to recruit. Main hospitals in New Jersey were invited for the study to ensure there were varying subgroups from different parts of the state on the same stage of autism during research. According to Health Knowledge (n.d.), stratified sampling focuses on subgroups who all share similar characteristic. Adverts on charity websites were used to recruit members of the society with two central questions being posed to them, “What are their experiences with autistic children and how can their knowledge improve well-being of these patients?” 10 members who seemed knowledgeable about autism were recruited for the study with 6 members agreeing to earn about autism and use their knowledge in taking care of the children. Participation was voluntary after signing consent with the freedom to withdraw from the study

Research Approach

An exploratory, descriptive qualitative research design was used for this study. According to Mekgoe, Lepedi, Makhutle, Makhado (2019) et.al explorative study is merely formative for the purpose of gaining new insights, discovering new ideas and increasing knowledge of phenomena while descriptive study aims at providing an accurate and precise description of experiences. 34 parents who disagreed on the effects of the program agreed to their children acting as a control experiment and were not subjected to the intervention program. Notice Collect Think Analysis was carried out on descriptive level and conceptual level. Descriptive levels were used to determine the difference between the first perception before intervention and current statement after intervention aby listening to the recordings. Data was then interpreted using Atlas TI.

Data collection Methods

After two months, 66 parents out of the 72 parents were willingly to continue with the study. 4 parents withdrew from the study and 2 lost contacts. Out of the 66, 39 patients were male and 27 females. Data were collected using individual unstructured interview each taking 30-60 mutes. Two open-ended questions were asked to the parents, thus, “Had they noticed any change due to the intervention program, how had their knowledge about the disease improved their children health?” The questions were then followed by probing based on their answers.

Alignment of Methods to Research Question

This research focuses on early intervention programs as a method of promoting autistic patient’s health by trying to explore the impacts of the program. Autistic patients, their parents and the community were targeted to ensure inclusion of all the parties playing role in ensuring success of this program. Data collection methods, sampling and research approach aim was to ensure common understanding of autism disorder and the importance of early intervention on improving and supporting those suffering from the disorder.


Autism Speaks. Com. (2016). What is Autism? Retrieved From https://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism

Estes, A., Swain, D. M., & MacDuffie, K. E. (2019). The Effects of Early Autism Intervention on Parents and Family Adaptive Functioning. Pediatric Medicine (Hong Kong, China). 2(21). doi:10.21037/pm.2019.05.05. Retrieved From https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6776235/

Griffiths, S., Allison, C., Kenny, R., Holt, R., Smith, P., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2019). The Vulnerability Experiences Quotient (VEQ): A Study of Vulnerability, Mental Health and Life Satisfaction in Autistic Adults. Autism Research: Official Journal of The International Society for Autism Research. 12(10), 1516–1528. doi:10.1002/aur.2162. Retrieved From https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6851759/

Mekgoe, T. S., Lepedi, K., Makhutle, P. T., Makhado, L., Madiba, K., & Langa, N. (2019). Experience of Nursing Students Regarding Clinical Support in The Management of TB and HIV Patients in a Primary Healthcare Setting: A Phenomenological Study. The Pan African medical journal. 33(209). doi:10.11604/pamj.2019.33.209.15819. Retrieved From https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6814368/

Health Knowledge (n.d.). Methods of Sampling a Population. Education, CPD and Revalidation from the Past. Retrieved From https://www.healthknowledge.org.uk/public-health-textbook/research-methods/1a-epidemiology/methods-of-sampling-population