For each of the 6 songs or videos from this unit, write half a page. Things to discuss include any musical characteristics you can hear, the context of the song, lyrics of the song, etc. Avoid vague d

For each of the 6 songs or videos from this unit, write about half a page . Things to discuss include any musical characteristics you can hear, the context of the song, lyrics of the song, etc. Avoid vague descriptions such as “has a good beat” or “has a melody.” Try to be as objective as possible – I’m not asking what you th ink about the music, but instead I’m asking you to describe what you are hearing. You can describe instruments (to the best of your ability) as well as musical elements such as melody, timbre, form, and rhythm. (You will learn more about these in the firs t unit) • No references are allowed. 1-3 _Tar Road To Sligo_ And _Paddy Clancy's Jig_ w?usp=sharing 1-5 _The Ballad Of Cesar Chavez_ (Corrido) -9A -NSyLi1J4oN7 -qC6m/view?usp=sharing 1-6 P.D. _El Son Del Perro_ (Mariachi) -5wd9eTeofUZd/view?usp=sharing "An Buachaillin Bán" ("The Fair -Haired Boy") 10 The World Turned Upside Down (The Digger's Song) -AaEGtcG0aVErdqjbuwHpj_9HP5B/view?usp=sharing 13 A Fig For A Kiss - Single Jig