Discussion-Fall of the Western Roman Empire Based on the outlines please discuss the fall of the western empire in the 400s AD. Of course you should look back to the 3rd century crisis as well, as it

Ch. 6 pt. I Transformation of Rome

Quiz on Highlighted areas

Know several factors in the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire.

Christianity and its Spread

Who was Christ the historically figure?

What was his religious/spiritual message?

What were the other religious movements in the East and West?

How were some influential on Christianity?


Early Christians

Persecution—was it uniform?

Was the “church” uniform?

Early Structure of the church

Who were the priests and church officers?

How do bishops come to being?

And Patriarchs? Who is the chief patriarch/bishop and why?

Civil Wars after death of Commodus

Severan Dynasty

How do these emperors deal with the empire and the army?

Eastern Shift of Power--Why does this happen?

Third Century Crisis

Assassination of Severus Alexander and his mother

50 years of chaos for Roman Empire

20-25 Emperors attempt to rule-constant civil war- and assassination

Plague of 250-52 (Plague of Cyprian)


East-New Persian Empire

West German

Empire Split

Gallic Empire

Roman Empire –central

Palmyrene Empire-Syria-under Queen Zenobia and her husband


Who is he and how does he come to power?

Tetrarchy-what is it?

In what ways is he different from previous emperors?

What does he do to save the empire?

His relationship with Christians?

How does this help their cause and why?

Neo-Platonism and Christianity

What is the relationship?

How does Christianity coopt it?


What is his relationship with Christians?

Battle of Milvian Bridge

Edict of Milan

How does this affect the church and the hierarchy?

Constantinople-Eastern Shift

Orthodoxy and Heresy


Council of Nicaea

What does this do, how was the emperor involved?

Women and the official church

Roman Church-how is it organized?


What is this and who practices it? What some influences on this movement?

What are some rules followed?

Secessionist Movements


Sassanid Dynasty-Third Persian Empire

Rome’s shift to East—economic and defensive

Pt. II

Slow Collapse of Rome

Periphery to Center- Mass Migration/Invasions of Rome

Goths pushed by Huns

Foederati-what was their role on the frontier zones

Battle of Adrianople

Alaric-what was his role?


Sack of Rome

Invasion of North Africa

Franks and Burgundians


Romulus Augustulus



Impact of the 5th cent. Migrations

Western and Eastern Roman Empire—what happens?

Who controls new regions?

How was Roman culture affected?

Church Fathers

How did these men and women uphold the Christian church?

St. Jerome-what is his role?


St. Augustine-City of God -- Importance of?

Boethius –his role?

Does the church factor in to the Fall of Rome?

Monasticism and Education

What was the role of monks?

Eastern—Basil of Caesarea

Western—St. Benedict

How do each influence monasticism?



How did Rome fall?