Assignment: Personal Leadership Philosophies Many of us can think of leaders we have come to admire, be they historical figures, pillars of the industry we work in, or leaders we know personally. The


Personal Leadership Philosophy

Characteristics of Good Leader

Effective leadership is vital in the health care system for the delivery of safe and quality care. Leadership positions provide an opportunity for the leader in serving others and ensuring the accomplishment of the organizational goals. Transformational leadership is a style that supports employees and innovation through inspiration, motivation, and encouragement of employees (Speranza & Pierce, 2019). This paper presents my leadership philosophy, cliftonstrength assessment, vision, core values, and development plan.

Personal Leadership Philosophy

Personal leadership philosophy entails a set of principles and beliefs that an individual utilizes to respond to situations and people and to evaluate information. A personal leadership philosophy is essential because it provides a clear definition of an individual character, ensures consistency, and fosters collaboration with other health professionals (Jaafar & Ghazali, 2018). Leadership involves the heart to encourage and inspire other people in every step of their way. Leadership is about providing a conducive and a positive environment where an employee can utilize their skills and thrive to the best of their ability. I value providing support to foster innovative ideas and effective communication among the employees. According to Oh, Cho & Lim (2018), to achieve the best outcome and reaching the goals of an organization, it takes a leader to remain focused on the goal and develop strategies that would lead to the best results. I value persistence, dedication, and listening to the needs of others as the best strategies towards the achievement of the organizational goals.

My core values are influence and respect for every individual regardless of their position, roles, culture, and educational levels. When influencing others, I will have to motivate, encourage and guide the employee to act according to the strategies applied within the organization to achieve the goals of the organization (Larsson & Sahlsten, 2016). Effective communication, resilience, personal development, and empathy are other core values. My vision is to provide quality and safe care through employee motivation.

Clifton Strengths

The best phrase that relates to me, according to the Clifton strength assessment, is utilizing every opportunity that presents to achieve the most from my leadership (Speranza & Pierce, 2019). To be able to utilize every available opportunity effectively, I need to be punctual and accomplish tasks before the deadline elapses. One of the behaviors that I will have to change together with my subordinate staff is time management to avoid wasting the available opportunities that could lead to the best patient outcome (Jaafar & Ghazali, 2018). Consistency is another strength according to the assessment. It is vital for me as a transformational leader to remain consistent with the organization's guidelines and protocols (Buley, 2019). Involving the subordinate staff in shared decision-making and informing every individual of their roles and responsibilities in the health facility is another characteristic that will contribute towards the accomplishment of the organization's goals.

Development Plan

Time management is an essential factor for any leader. It takes time to achieve the best outcome for the organization. I will ensure to set my priorities right, beginning with the urgent priorities to the less urgent

priorities to avoid wasting a lot of time on issues that are not urgent (Jaafar & Ghazali, 2018)). For example, in a busy department such as the emergency department, I will develop a weekly schedule with clearly set objectives to be achieved within that week. I will assign responsibilities among the team members within the department to ensure that all the set objectives are achieved.

Consistency is a vital strategy in ensuring the delivery of quality and safe care to the patients (Speranza & Pierce, 2019). I will ensure to set standards to be achieved in every unit within the hospital, and I will encourage the staff to work towards meeting the standards. Besides, evaluation of the quality of care against the set standard will be done monthly to help in determining whether the standard has been achieved and developing new strategies to ensure consistency of the quality standard. For example, within the emergency department, I will ensure to carry out a monthly quality audit of the health care services provided to the patients. According to Oh, Cho & Lim (2018), the quality audit will help to determine whether the set standard of care has been achieved and the consistency of the quality over several months.

My vision is to provide quality and safe care through employee motivation. Effective communication among the staff is an effective tool that will facilitate easily shared decision-making and solving conflicts within the organization. Effective communication will help in ensuring patients receive the care that will result in the best patient outcome because it will help in the prevention of medical errors and build a conducive work environment (Larsson & Sahlsten, 2016). In every organization, there are challenges; therefore, I will identify and handle any barriers that hinder the achievement of the organizational goals. Oh, Cho & Lim (2018) states that the challenges include facing health institutions include inadequate staffing, organization policies, and the relationship between patients and health professionals.

A team of health professionals will work towards having accuracy in the medication to help in improving the safety of the patient. According to Buley (2019), implementing information technology within the facility will help in improving the completeness and consistency of the medical documentation. Together with the use of information technology, staff proficiency and effective workflow in the use of technology will help in improving and maintain the consistency of care quality.


Personal leadership philosophy enables people around you to understand your priorities, values, expectations, and approaches to decision-making. I value persistence, dedication, and listening to the needs of others because it is the best strategy towards the achievement of the organizational goals. It is vital for me as a transformational leader to remain consistent with the organization's guidelines and protocols. Time management will allow me to utilize every available opportunity and remain punctual for the better accomplishment of the organization's goals.



Jaafar, F. W. B., & Ghazali, P. L. B. (2018). The Characteristics of the Leaders on Effective Commitment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES8(12).

Larsson, I. E., & Sahlsten, M. J. (2016). The staff nurse clinical leader at the bedside: Swedish registered nurses' perceptions. Nursing research and practice2016.

Oh, J., Cho, D., & Lim, D. H. (2018). Authentic leadership and work engagement: the mediating effect of practicing core values. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.

Speranza, C. R., & Pierce, A. (2019). Development of a Personal Leadership Philosophy: An Experiential and Reflective Opportunity in the Graduate Classroom. Journal of Leadership Education18(3).