Please see attached

Exam 2


The following 8 questions refer to the scenario for Michelle Owens  

Michelle Owens  is a 56 year old woman  with a new diagnosis of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the colon, The cancer is stage 4 and T2, N2, M1.  She is very weak and placed on bedrest.  Ms. Owens also has Mitral Valva Prolapse Syndrome (MVPS).  Vital signs are:  37.9 C, 82, 20, 128/68, 98% on room air.

Please see attached 1


Question 1

1 / 1 pts

MVPS results in increased risk of developing which of the following?











Rheumatic fever



Question 2

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Owens' malignant cells are likely to exhibit which of the following?


Increased cellular communication



Low levels of fibronectin



Decreased metabolic demand



Low levels of cachectin



Question 3

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Owens may benefit from antibiotics in which of the following situations?


Never because of resistance



Only after lower gastronintestinal infections develop



Only after upper gastrointestinal infections have resolved



Before surgical procedures



Question 4

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Owens' malignancy development may be promoted by which of the following?


Increased apoptosis



Inactivation of  p53 tumor suppressor genes



Decreased angiogenesis



Decreased growth factor receptors



Question 5

1 / 1 pts

MVPS results in which of the following?


Mitral valve not opening properly during ventricular systole



Mitral valve not closing properly during ventricular systole



Mitral valve not opening properly during ventricular diastole



Mitral valve not closing properly during ventricular diastole



Question 6

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Owens' malignancy involves which of the following?


Preinvasive epithelial tumor of glandular origin



Cells that do not closely resemble normal colon cells



No lymph node involvement



Cancer that is only locally invasive



Question 7

1 / 1 pts

MVPS may result in the development of which of the following?


Decreased cardiac output



Acute Pericarditis



Increased cardiac output



Pericardial tamponade



IncorrectQuestion 8

0 / 1 pts

Ms. Owens' malignancy development may be promoted by which of the following?


Telomerase genes in the “switched on” position



Contact inhibition between cells



Density dependent inhibition of  cellular growth



Cellular anchorage dependence



The next 4 questions refer to the scenario for Yoobin Chung

Ms. Chung is a 25 year old college student with complaints of fatigue and weight loss these past few months.  Today she comes to the student health center with swelling in her left groin and a fever.  Ms. Chung has a chest x-ray which reveals hilar lymphadenopathy.  Ms. Chung’s legs are pink, warm, and dry, with notable edema of the left leg.  Ms. Chung is quite anxious about her health problems and is sobbing uncontrollably, declaring “I don’t want to die”.  A needle biopsy of the left groin lymphatic mass reveals lymphoid hyperplasia with Reed-Sternberg Cells.

Vital signs are:  38.2 C, 106, 26, 96/48.  96% sat, Pain 0/10


Question 9

1 / 1 pts

If Ms. Chung's weight loss continues coupled with anorexia & asthenia, this could be related to increased production of which of the following?


Uric acid












IncorrectQuestion 10

0 / 1 pts

Ms. Chung’s lymphoma would be staged at which of the following?














IncorrectQuestion 11

0 / 1 pts

Which of the following is the likely cause of the left leg swelling?


Decreased hydrostatic pressure



Decreased plasma oncotic pressure



Increased capillary permeability



Obstructed lymphatic drainage



Question 12

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Chung’s malignancy would be classified as which of the following?


Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma



Multiple Myeloma



Chronic lymphocytic lymphoma



Hodgkin’s lymphoma



The following 5 questions  refer to the following scenario for Martin Englewood.

Marion Englewood is a 60year old female with a history of coronary artery disease and primary hypertension.  Her medical conditions have been well controlled by medications.  She is admitted to the emergency room with acute onset of confusion, pulmonary crackles, nausea and vomiting, and a BP of 212/154. 


IncorrectQuestion 13

0 / 1 pts

Which of the following interventions would help to reduce the blood pressure?


Administer fluid



Administer a vasoconstrictor



Block Beta receptors



Administer anticholinergic medications



IncorrectQuestion 14

0 / 1 pts

Ms. Englewood’s hypertension status in the emergency room would be classified as which of the following?














IncorrectQuestion 15

0 / 1 pts

Select a characteristic of malignant cells that may explain the metastasis of Ms. Englewood’s breast cancer.


Increased Cachectin



Decreased Fibronectin



Decreased angiogenesis factor



Increased Uric Acid



Question 16

1 / 1 pts

Diagnostic tests confirm a diagnosis of metastatic infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast.  Metastasis to her bones is noted.   Ms. Englewood’s malignancy involves malignant transformation of which of the following?


connective tissue



glandular tissue



myeloid tissue



epithelial tissue



Question 17

1 / 1 pts

During physical exam, findings suggestive of breast cancer are discovered.  Select the clinical manifestation(s) associated with breast cancer.


Multiple lumps in both breasts



Painful lumps



Dimpling and retraction



Fluctuation in lesion size



The following 7 questions  refer to the following scenario for Chris Martin.

Chris Martin is a 29 year old man with cystic fibrosis (CF) admitted to the hospital for a pulmonary infection.  He has a barrel chest, dry skin and mucous membranes, clubbing of the nailbeds,  dyspnea on exertion, difficulty gaining weight,  pedal edema, & steatorrhea. 

Mr. Martin is awaiting a lung transplant and hopes donor lungs become available soon.

Vital signs are  38.8C, 108, 26, 98/64. The following laboratory values are obtained:

Please see attached 2


IncorrectQuestion 18

0 / 1 pts

Mr. Martin has pulmonary hypertension, which places him at high risk for which of the following?


Developing asthma



Developing pulmonary embolism



Developing atelectasis



Developing cor pulmonale



Question 19

1 / 1 pts

Chris’s difficulty gaining weight & steatorrhea are related to which of the following?


Hyperhomocysteinemia and folate deficiency



Obesity- hypoventilation syndrome



Anorexia-cachexia syndrome






IncorrectQuestion 20

0 / 1 pts

Mr. Martin develops hemoptysis, therefore a sputum for AFB is ordered to rule out which of the following?





Pneumocystis carnii pneumonia









Question 21

1 / 1 pts

Considering the admission ABG, Mr. Martin should have which of the following?


Not have oxygen administered



Have oxygen administered to increase the SaO2 to >95%


Have oxygen administered to increase the SaO2 to the 88-92% range



Be removed from the lung transplant list because of his physical condition.



IncorrectQuestion 22

0 / 1 pts

A chest x-ray is done revealing a left pneumothorax, therefore a chest tube is placed into the pleural space, which resolves the problem.  Mr Martin breathes shallowly however because it hurts.  You assess diminished breath sounds and crackles, indicating the likely development of which of the following?





Dead space units



Congestive heart failure



Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency



Question 23

1 / 1 pts

Mr. Martin develops acute hypoxemia, tracheal shift, and hypotension associated with a severe coughing episode, indicating the likely development of which of the following?








Tension pneumothorax



Obstructive pulmonary disease



IncorrectQuestion 24

0 / 1 pts

Mr. Martin’s barrel chest has developed secondary to which of the following?


Acute hypoxemia



Chronic air trapping



Thoracic muscle atrophy



Restrictive pulmonary disease



The following 3 questions  refer to the following scenario for Bernie Irving.

Bernie Irving is a 66 year old man who developed an abdominal aortic aneurysm which ruptured in the operating room but was surgically repaired.    Mr. Irving’s postoperative course has been complicated with blood  pressure issues and respiratory insufficiency.  Breath sounds are decreased in the bases with bilateral fine crackles.  Mr. Berlin has been smoking for 50 years. 

Vital signs are 38.2, 108, 28, 154/96.  The following laboratory  values are obtained:

Please see attached 3


IncorrectQuestion 25

0 / 1 pts

Considering the above ABG, Mr. Irving should have which of the following?


Not have oxygen administered



Have oxygen administered to increase the SaO2 to >95%


Have oxygen administered to increase the SaO2 to the 88-92% range



Be admitted to the intensive care unit for acute respiratory failure



IncorrectQuestion 26

0 / 1 pts

Mr. Irving's blood pressure  would benefit from which of the following?


Abundant fluid administration



Inotropic medication administration



Anticholinergic medication administration



Alpha blocker medication administration



Question 27

1 / 1 pts

Mr. Irving develops edema, warmth, and pain in his right calf, with strong pedal pulses and a positive Homan’s sign, suggesting that he has developed which of the following?


Acute arterial insufficiency



Deep vein thrombophlebitis



Chronic arterial insufficiency



Varicose veins



The following 6 questions refer to the scenario for Angela Bucaro

Angela Bucaro is a 75 year old retired librarian.  Ms. Bucaro smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and says she has tried to quit smoking, but has poor will power.  Ms. Bucaro has a long history of coronary artery disease (CAD).  She had an anterior wall myocardial infarction (AWMI) several years ago and had a 4 vessel coronary artery bypass graft (CABG).  She takes numerous medications, including anti-hypertensives, anti-anginals, diuretics, and anticoagulants.  She continues to have periodic episodes of chest pain when she exerts herself too much, but she always gets relief from either rest alone or sometimes requires nitroglycerine.  She has a productive cough of green mucous, barrel chest, and bilateral pedal edema. 

Vital Signs are 37.8C, 112, 28, and 148/94.


IncorrectQuestion 28

0 / 1 pts

Considering the above data base, Ms. Bucaro’s angina would be classified as which of the following?


Classic angina



Crescendo angina



Unstable angina



Prinzmetal angina



IncorrectQuestion 29

0 / 1 pts

Ms. Bucaro takes several cardiac medications.  Which of the following types of medications would benefit her myocardial oxygen and supply balance?





An anticholinergic



A beta blocker



An alpha adrenergic medication



IncorrectQuestion 30

0 / 1 pts

Ms. Bucaro exhibits which of the following factors that can imbalance her myocardial oxygen supply and demand?


green mucous



bilateral Pedal Edema



barrel Chest






Ms. Bucaro has chest pain that does not respond to rest and nitroglycerine.  A 12 lead ECG is ordered and cardiac enzymes are drawn.


IncorrectQuestion 31

0 / 1 pts

Which of the following is true regarding healing of the myocardium after an MI?


A tough inelastic scar develops in 6-12 hours after the MI onset



A weak fibrotic scar forms 2-4 days after the MI onset



Inflammation has its onset approximately 6 days after MI onset



10-14 days after MI onset cardiovascular function improves and she may start feeling better


Question 32

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Bucaro is diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, therefore which of the following is true?


Tachycardia is beneficial



There is an increased risk of stroke



Anticoagulants are contraindicated



Cardiac output is likely to be increased



IncorrectQuestion 33

0 / 1 pts

Which of the following changes would be indicative of myocardial injury?


ST segment depression



T wave inversion



ST segment elevation



P wave depression



The following 5 questions  refer to the scenario for Adelaide Hunting

Adelaide Hunting is a 79 year old housewife.  Ms. Hunting smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and says she has tried to quit smoking, but has poor will power.  She has a productive cough of green mucous, barrel chest, and bilateral pedal edema. 

Vital Signs are 37.8C, 112, 28, and 148/94.

Please see attached 4 


Question 34

1 / 1 pts

Which of the following medications may help resolve her blood pressure issues?


A sympathomimetic



A diuretic



An anticholinergic



A vasoconstrictor



IncorrectQuestion 35

0 / 1 pts

A pleural effusion is noted on a chest x-ray, which may result in which of the following?


Compression atelectasis



Pulmonary embolism



Open pneumothorax



Acute obstructive pulmonary disease



Question 36

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Hunting develops acute onset of wheezing, dyspnea, and coughing related to a staff members strong perfume.  The wheezing is likely related to which of the following?





Elastase production






Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency



Question 37

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Hunting's breathing difficulty with wheezing and dyspnea may benefit from administration of which of the following?


Bronchodilating medications



Parasympathetic medications



Cholinergic medications



Beta blocking medications



IncorrectQuestion 38

0 / 1 pts

The wheezing subsides.  Ms. Hunting declares she has had asthma all her life and that her mother and son have asthma too.  She has had positive skin tests and says cats, dust, and perfumes are her triggers.  Ms. Hunting’s asthma would be classified which of the following?





Status asthmaticus









The following 7 questions  refer to the following scenario for John Fletcher

John Fletcher is a young man with a history of HIV infection who is admitted for fatigue, night sweats, a 20 lb weight loss over the last few months, swollen lymph nodes, and pedal edema. He has a productive cough with yellow/brown mucous & complains of orthopnea. Kaposi Sarcoma was diagnosed last month.

Vital signs are  38.9C 112 30 118/76. Labs are assessed & a physical examination is performed.

CBC Reveals:

RBC, 2.0 mill/mm3, Hgb - 6 gm/dl, HCT -18%

MCV - 108fl (80-97)  MCH 29 (27-31), MCHC 34% (32-36)

Platelets - 30,000

WBC - 14,900

Polys - 70%, Bands - 2%, Eos - 2%, Basos - 1%, Blasts 20%, Monos 5%



IncorrectQuestion 39

0 / 1 pts

Mr. Fletcher's pedal edema is related to which of the following?


increased hydrostatic pressure



decreased plasma oncotic pressure



increased capillary permeability



obstructed lymphatic drainage



Question 40

1 / 1 pts

Mr. Fletcher’s CBC  indicates  which of the following?





viral infection



iron deficiency



acute leukemia



IncorrectQuestion 41

0 / 1 pts

Mr. Fletcher complains of infectious symptoms related to which of the following?











functional leukopenia



Question 42

1 / 1 pts

Mr. Fletcher's Kaposi Sarcoma  involves malignant transformation of which of the following?


connective tissue



glandular tissue



myeloid tissue



epithelial tissue



A CT Scan of the chest reveals a lung mass.  The sputum cytology reveals atypical hyperplasia with cells compatible with a diagnosis of Oat cell carcinoma.


Question 43

1 / 1 pts

Oat cell carcinoma of the lung involves malignant transformation of which of the following?


Connective tissue



Epithelial tissue



Pleural tissue



Alveolar macrophages



IncorrectQuestion 44

0 / 1 pts

Considering the organ tropism of lung cancer, which of the following would be closely monitored for?


Increased liver enzymes






Mental status changes



Pathological fractures



Question 45

1 / 1 pts

Mr Fletcher's electroytes are assessed, including a serum sodium of 128 mg/dl.  Mr. Fletcher’s sodium level may be caused by ectopic production of which of the following?














The following questions 15 questions refer to the following scenario for Ernestine Lipton

Ernestine Lipton is a 56 year old woman with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE).  She complains of swelling of her hands, face, and feet. 

Vital signs are:  37.5C, 78, 26, 164/98

Please see attached 5


IncorrectQuestion 46

0 / 1 pts

Determination of the cause of the above acid-base imbalance cause can be clarified by evaluation of which of the following?





Anion Gap






Blood pressure



Question 47

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Lipton has a kidney transplant and is prescribed medications to prevent transplant rejection.  Transplant rejection is an example of which of the following?


Type II hypersensitivity reaction



Allergic reaction



Type III hypersensitivity reaction



Alloimmune reaction



Question 48

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Lipton’s electrolyte profile reveals which of the following?


Renal dysfunction and respiratory acidosis



Renal dysfunction and respiratory alkalosis



Renal dysfunction and metabolic acidosis



Renal dysfunction and metabolic alkalosis



Question 49

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Lipton’s ABG reveals which of the following?


MIxed metabolic and respiratory acidosis



Totally compensated respiratory acidosis



Partially compensated respiratory acidosis



Totally compensated metabolic acidosis



IncorrectQuestion 50

0 / 1 pts

Considering the pathophysiology of SLE, Ms. Lipton’s hypertension has likely developed secondary to vasculitis from which of the following?


Cytotoxic T lymphocytes initiating blood vessel damage



Antibodies directed toward the intimal layers of arteries initiating blood vessel damage


Immune complexes becoming deposited in blood vessel walls, initiating inflammatory mediated damage


A normal immune response against beneficial vascular tissue



Question 51

1 / 1 pts

If Ms. Lipton develops Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP), the mechanism is which of the following?


Type I hypersensitivity



Type II hypersensitivity



Type III hypersensitivity



Type IV hypersensitivity



IncorrectQuestion 52

0 / 1 pts

Diagnostic criteria for SLE include which of the following?


Stress response



Opportunistic infection









The following Complete Blood Count is assessed:

Please see attached 6


IncorrectQuestion 53

0 / 1 pts

The above CBC indicates which of the following?


Bacterial infection



Fungal infection



Viral infection



No infection



Question 54

1 / 1 pts

The above CBC indicates which of the following?


Iron deficiency



Folate deficiency



Chronic disease






Question 55

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Lipton is treated with her prescribed anti-rejection medications.  Subsequently her blood counts decrease placing her at risk for developing which of the following?


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome



Opportunistic Infections



Autoimmune diseases



Allergic reactions to medications



Updated CBC for Ms. Lipton:

Please see attached 7


Question 56

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Lipton’s CBC indicates which of the following?


a viral infection






aplastic anemia



tissue hypoxia



IncorrectQuestion 57

0 / 1 pts

Ms. Lipton’s current CBC indicates which of the following?


Iron deficiency



Spontaneous bleeding risk



Chronic infection






Medications are changed and week later another Complete Blood Count reveals:

Please see attached 8


IncorrectQuestion 58

0 / 1 pts

Ms. Lipton develops ecchymosis and epistaxis due to which of the following?











Shift to the right



IncorrectQuestion 59

0 / 1 pts

Ms.  Lipton develops fevers related to which of the following?











Shift to the right



Question 60

1 / 1 pts

Ms. Lipton complains of  weakness and dyspnea on exertion associated with which of the following?











Shift to the right



The following 15 questions refer to the scenario for Gordon Cort 

Gordon Cort  is a 62 year old man with a new diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Mr.Cort complains of worsening back and leg pain that is intolerable.  He has a history of chronic lung disease and complains of developing a cold and a runny nose.   He is coughing up thick green mucous with streaks of blood, therefore a specimen is sent to the lab for culture and sensitivity.  He is somewhat confused and can’t remember his home address.  He is  pale, weak, dizzy while walking, with instructions not to get out of bed unless he has assistance. 

Vital signs are:  38.9 C, 102, 24, 148/98, 90% sat, pain 8/10. 

Please see attached 9


IncorrectQuestion 61

0 / 1 pts

Mr. Cort’s back and leg pain are likely caused by which of the following?


Thick green mucous with streaks of blood



History of  weakness while walking, immobility and now bedrest



Cortical bone destruction and nociceptor stimulation



Chronic anemia, hypoxia, and ischemia



IncorrectQuestion 62

0 / 1 pts

Mr. Cort's mental status most likely been caused by which the following?


his Potassium level



his Magnesium level



his CO2 level



his Calcium level



Question 63

1 / 1 pts

Mr. Cort’s calcium level has most likely been caused by which of the following?


His kidney status and consequent phosphate levels in the blood



Destruction of the cortical bone by mutant cells depositing  abnormal IgG



Increased calcitonin production which facilitates calcium absorption



Increased vitamin D production related to his kidney status



Question 64

1 / 1 pts

Mr. Cort’s kidney status has been caused by which of the following?


M Protein deposition



Gram positive cocci



Increased amounts of Immunoglobulin A ( IgA)



Sternberg Reed Cells



Question 65

1 / 1 pts

The above sodium level may be caused by which of the following?


Increased renin



Increased ADH



Increased aldosterone



Increased PTH



Question 66

1 / 1 pts

Mr. Cort's culture and gram stain indicate which of the following?


viruses are present



bacteria are present



fungi are present



no micro-organisms are present



Question 67

1 / 1 pts

Mr. Cort’s activity level places him at risk for developing which of the following?


Increased HDLs












Question 68

1 / 1 pts

Mr. Cort  has an increased risk of infection because of which of the following?


Decreased reticulocyte counts



Increased iron levels



Decreased antibody production



Increased calcium levels



Chemotherapy is administered to Mr. Cort & one week later another CBC reveals:

Please see attached 10


Question 69

1 / 1 pts

Mr. Cort’s above CBC indicates which of the following?





Bacterial infection



Viral infection






Question 70

1 / 1 pts

Mr. Cort develops an elevated uric acid level in his blood, indicating the development of which of the following?


Tumor lysis syndrome



Disseminated intravascular coagulation



alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency



Pickwickian syndrome



Mr. Cort develops heart failure, with pulmonary edema, hypotension, tachycardia, dyspnea, water retention, and a heart murmur after receiving fluids for his chemotherapy protocol.


Question 71

1 / 1 pts

Which physiologic principle helps explain why receiving fluids can result in heart failure, when a person receives more fluid than their heart can handle?


Pouisseille’s Law



Law of Laplace



Frank-Starling law of the heart



Virchow’s Triad



IncorrectQuestion 72

0 / 1 pts

Mr. Cort  has developed jugular venous distension, hepatomegaly and peripheral edema, because of which of the following?


Forward Systolic failure



ACE inhibition



RAA stimulation



Backward Diastolic failure



IncorrectQuestion 73

0 / 1 pts

Mr. Cort’s hypotension and tachycardia are a direct consequence of which of the following?


Backward Diastolic Failure



Increased contractility



Forward Systolic Failure



Right Ventricular Failure



IncorrectQuestion 74

0 / 1 pts

Mr. Cort’s water retention is a consequence of which of the following?


Adrenergic stimulation



RAA stimulation



ACE inhibition



Cholinergic stimulation



Question 75

1 / 1 pts

Mr. Cort’s pulmonary edema is a consequence of which of the following?


Backward Diastolic Failure



Increased contractility



Forward Systolic Failure



Right Ventricular Failure