Quarterly Business Review (QBR) for Q2'21Utilize the results for the quarter just played. Good sources of information are the Quarterly Dashboard (General Report, Business Intelligence Dashboard and S

/ "Growing Your Business" - A Management Simulation Executive Summary Quarter Variance to Plan Graphics Quarter Variance to Plan and SRO Pre-tax NI W alk: Plan to Actual Words:214 Cash Flow W ork for this Quarter Words:146 3 T oughest Decisions Made and Why Words:127 Competitor Analysis Words:149 Pre -ta x N I W alk : P la n v s. A ctu al C ash F lo w W alk : Q 1'2 1  Quarterly Decisions Quarterly Business Review (QBR) for Q1'21 Utilize the results for the quarter just played.

Good sources of information are the Quarterly Dashboard (General Report, Business Intelligence Dashboard and SWOT & Strategy), Internal Emails and Industry News, and Quarter Variance to Plan and SRO. You must answer each question with a minimum of 120 words per box. Y ou will not be able to submit your QBR if you have fewer than 120 words in each box.

Save your work frequently, using the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the page. You can also type your answers into a W ord doc and copy/paste here when you are finished. Your work will not be saved automatically within the simulation.

5 Key Learnings from Quarter Words:124 Honestly , the biggest lesson I learned is how challenging it is to run a company from this perspective. Production, inventory , financial forecasting is definitely not my strong suite. That said, it was interesting to see how the relations between sales, inventory and production impacted the bottom line. My original thought was to increase the unit cost in order to cover our losses, but I quickly realized that it presented the problem of being over the projected earnings for the year. I still have an issue with production, but I feel as though I'll be able to correct it before the last quarter of the year . I also learned that I need to pick the right role plays. for each phase of the simulation. From, the expected Pre Tax NI Walk the Actual is a loss of $72.2k while the Y ear Plan is a loss of $43.3k. Assuming a 50% tax rate, the planned after-tax is about $36.1k and 21.65k loss. The net dif ference is $14.45k between the actual and pre-tax income plan. After tax, it is $7.23k implying that the estimate is quite close to the plan. It is red meaning bad. Market demand grew more than what was anticipated by $60.8k. The green implies good. The market share was overestimated with a $3.7k less net income than expected. The red implies it is bad. There was no change in unit price over plan. The variable cost (inflation) is increased by $4.1k. This means that more is paid for materials and labor than estimated. The red implies bad. The variable cost (productivity) is increased by $56.7k. This means overestimation of the We are not in a good position with cash flow . We started the quarter in the red and will end in the red. Management made some bad decisions at the onset that are unfortunately carrying over . Despite efforts to increase our sales and decrease expenses, it will not be enough to have us end the quarter with a positive cash flow . Cash flow is the net change in your company's cash position from one period to the next (Kokemuller, n.d). Having more cash coming in than going out will result in a positive cash flow . Conversely, spending more cash than we have coming in will result in a negative cash flow . Our cash on hand is an indicator of our financial health. There were several decisions that I thought were tough. One was cutting operational costs such as marketing, advertising, Lean Six Sigma etc. The second was raising the cost of our units. It is always a gamble to raise prices because our competitors can underbid us. Which can cause an inventory issue and result in us lowering our prices. As a business leader , making decisions is a part of the job that we should all take seriously. Oftentimes, making a decision can be stressful or emotional. There are far reaching implications to the choices a leader makes from who gets to keep their job to what markets we will try to enter. We have to evaluate data and use our good sense to make the best decisions possible.  Reginald Whimbush Hisco    QTRLY DASHBOARD  R &D  ROLE-PLA Y  QTRLY DECISIONS   F in ancia l S ta te m ents  S upply C hain M gt $-200.7K $-124.1K $-47.5K $0 $29.1K $105.7K Pla n G ro w thM ark e t Sh are P ric e VC ( I) VC ( P ) B ase C ost In te re st Ac tu al $71.8K $20.1K $-245K $31.4K $0 $-14.2K $-38.7K $0 $-174.5K / Use of Role Play for Information and Negotiation Words:1 12 Are we on track to meet Annual Net Income Commitment? Provide explanation Words:106 Is your Original Strategy W orking as you Planned? Words:109 Pre -T a x In co m e: Y ear P la n v s. A ctu al+ S R O Guideline Check here then click the below button to submit your QBR Save QBR Contact Us (mailto:[email protected]) © 1991-2020, T ri Corporation. (http://www.tri-simulation.com/) Knowing who our competitors are, and what they are of fering, helps us to make our products, services and marketing stand out. It enables us to price our product competitively and helps us to respond to our rivals sales and marketing plans. There is key information about our competitors that we need to know in order to best them - marketing plans, price structure, how they staf f, compensation packages, how they distribute and deliver etc... There are many ways that we can learn about them, including visiting their website, checking their social media, talk to them, if they are publicly traded, look at the strength of their stocks. (Understand Your Competitors, n.d.) I liked the role plays. It helped me to feel like I was a real decision maker in the company. I can see how role play could help me hone the necessary skills and competencies to be an effective decision maker and leader. I think they provided valuable information and flexibility to make changes to our plans. Being able to have 'conversations' with people that an integral part to the business gave me ideas and helped me to develop plans. It would be helpful if I could have had access to all of them instead of a limited number . I would have possibly made different decisions that could have caused better results. Great news! We are on track to meet the net income commitment by the end of the fourth quarter . It took a lot juggling of the numbers to make it work, but we will end the year close to $400K. This is important because net income helps investors assess if a company's management is generating enough profit from its sales and whether operating costs and overhead costs are being contained (Murphy , 2020). Net income is also one of the most important indicators of our company's financial health. Murphy, C., (2020, Feb. 18). Net income margin. Investopedia. https://www .investopedia.com/terms/n/net_margin.asp. My decisions supported my strategy for the most part. Even though market penetration is low , I've committed to selling more readers at a higher price. At the end of the day, I had to make the numbers work. Ideally , I would have put more money into marketing and advertising, but I had to manage our expenses. In business, we have to be ready for change as things do not always work out the way that we plan. In addition to the SWOT and Strategy, I should have had a contingency plan. As a leader , I have to be able to pivot and get the support of my team. $-540K $-405K $-270K $-135K $0 Beg Q tr C ash /D eb t N et I n co m e Dep re cia tio n R ece iv a b le s In ve n to ry AP P & E Com mon St ock E n d Q tr C ash /D eb t $-382.3K $-87.3K $0 $53.9K $-51.2K $0 $0 $0 $-466.8K $0 $225K $450.1K $675.1K $900.2K Ye a r P la n G ro w thM ark e t Sh are P ric e VC ( I) VC ( P ) B ase C ost In te re st Ac tu al+ SR O $762.6K $20.1K $-227.8K $0 $0 $-7.3K $-51.8K $-7.3K $488.7K