Please respond to the following short answers. Each answer should be at least have two paragraphs long. The quiz is open book, you can use the information from lectures, readings, class discussion and

Politicalcampaigns What are electionsfor?1.To determine who will hold governmentalpositions2.To maintain public control over thegovernment3.To re-legitimize the system and theregime What are campaignsfor?1.To inform the public of what the government has been doing andto critique the performance ofofficials2.To stir up excitement for the system, and for politics ingeneral3.To inform officials of the preferences of the electorate and toset priorities foraction Does the outcome ofelections reflect publicopinion?◦Candidates are elected that appear tooppose majority opinion on a wide range oftopics◦Decisions based on emotion and/or peripheral issues rather than rationalself-interest, which is supposed to rule◦Why is that thecase? Problems withcampaigns•Vo te rsrarelyknowverymuchaboutmostofthecandidates on theballot–Name recognition may determinewinners–Few can actually identify candidate background,issue positions,etc.–Partisanshipandotherformsofidentitiesmattermore–Personal issues mattermore•Perceptions of personalities andcharacter•Physical attractiveness, speaking tone,height Are campaigns useful inany way?•Vo te rslearnsomeofthebasicsaboutthecandidatesfrom ads anddebates•Character matters in politics, personal issues shouldbe discussed•Vo te rsoftengetcuesfromcandidatesabouttheissuesthey care mostabout•Campaign helps voters understand whether a person is a good leader, a good manager and overall a person fit tobe President/Senator/Congressman•How you run your campaign matters A LOT inclose elections Politics asBranding•The candidate is the ‘product’ and the"brand”•Whatarethe‘attributes’ofthecandidate?•A one-day‘sale’•Date ispredetermined•Ve ry competitive and antagonisticenvironments Marketingstrategy•Image/positioning–Limited by prior performance ofcandidate–How do you position yourself in relationship to thecompetition?•Marketresearch–Polling–Focusgroups•Ta r g e t i n g–“Two campaigns” (primary andgeneral)–Likelyvoters–Persuadablegroups•Communicationchannels–Interpersonal–Mediated–New media/socialmedia Rolling out thecampaign1.Fundraising2.Find your targetmarket3.DevelopMessage◦Candidateattributes◦Critique of opposition/Negativeadvertising4.Communication◦Paid media(advertising)◦Media relations (earnedmedia)◦Interpersonal5.Development oforganization◦Pre-existing organization in traditional marketingcampaigns6.GOTV (Go to voteinitiatives) Fundraising•Big Donorsmodel–PA C s–Large donors, dinners,etc.–Large portion of candidate’s time personally solicitingdonations•Concern over undueinfluence•GrassrootsCampaigns–Obama./Sanders•Va s t numbers of smalldonors/Internet•Public funding(McCain/Feingold)–Limits onspending–Most presidential candidates are opting for not receiving publicfunding Targeting•Primaries v. generalelection•Vo t e r s v.non-voters–Ta l k i n g to those who don’t usuallyvote–Convincing those who are supportive to go to thepolls•Demographics•Who ispersuadable?•Popular vote v. electoral college in generalelection–Gore and H. Clinton won popular vote but lost theelection Unifyingmessage•For your campaign, you need a big IDEA, somethingthat defines yourcampaign•Campaigns are about contrast, whether positive ornegative•Whatsortofcandidateimageareyoutryingtodevelop? How to develop aunifying message•Differenttypesofmessagesthatcanbeintegratedinyour campaign:•Issue basedmessages•“Character” focusedmessages•Positive v. negativetone•All messages should be connected to yourunifying message•Just from one ad you should understand what theunifying message/big messageis The Obama campaign08•Strong unifying message: “Hope andchange”•Focus on economy and healthcare•Character: Building Obama as the embodiment of the Americandream•Positive (Obama’s personality) v. negative tone (attacks on McCain asunfit)•Ta r g e t i n g and micro-targeting of differentgroups•First campaigns to use social mediaeffectively•Massive fundraising operation (big donors and smalldonations) Races to watch in 2020 •President•Colorado Senate: Gardner (R) is the incumbent•Maine Senate: Collins (R) is incumbent•Arizonasenate: McSally (R) is the incumbent•Alabama senate: Jones (D) is the incumbent•Resources for following elections and campaign dynamics: •••In Colorado: •Coloradosun•Colorado Politics