For 2-2 Assignment: Writing Notes, you created Writing Notes that helped you to consider how the following critical elements related to your persuasive essay topic: argument* key points* audience*

Running head: WRITING NOTES 0

Writing Notes

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In this paper we argue that Electoral College should be abolished in the United States. The Electoral College is not suited for the 21st century. While the Electoral college was established to balance power between the congress and the states, ensure large states do not dominate small ones and ensure checks in the constitutional system, it has recently been ineffective in doing so.

Key points

The Electoral College should be abolished for the following reasons

  1. The reasons as to why the Electoral College was established are no longer relevant.

  2. It gives more power to some states and allows few of them to decide the presidential election

  3. It ignores the will of the people. It does not account for the principle of the majority have their say.


The audience for this essay will be legislators, state administrators and the general public. The challenge that is likely to be experienced is convincing the audience that there are more limitations associated with Electoral College.


The main aim of this essay is to convince people to support the abolishment of the Electoral College in the United States. The essay will require support from different resources for it to be successful.


Edwards III, G. C. (2019). The Faulty Premises of the Electoral College. Retrieved from

This article provides significant insights on the limitations of the Electoral College. This supports my arguments as it gives reasons on why the Electoral College should be abolished.

Cox, A. M. (2018). The Electoral College: A Constitutional Needle in a Political Hay Stack. Int'l J. Soc. Sci. Stud.6, 94. Retrieved from

This article provides detailed explanations on why the challenges associated with the Electoral College. This will support my argument by highlighting the limitations of Electoral College.

Supporting resources

The following are the main points of the essay with the supporting resources;

  1. The reasons as to why the Electoral College was established are no longer relevant (Edwards III, 2019).

  2. It gives more power to some states and allows few of them to decide the presidential election (Cox, 2018).

  3. It ignores the will of the people. It does not account for the principle of the majority have their say (Edwards III, 2019).