I need help with Philosophy, logic, truth value, fallacies, validity..

Fill in the blanks by answering either true or false

1. ________Using the square of opposition, contraries can have the same truth value.

2. ________ There is no such fallacy as illicit obversion.

3. ________In obversion, you switch the subject with the predicate and negate only the predicate.

4. ________When a statement that has been manipulated by conversion,

obversion or contraposition has the same truth value, the statements are said to be logically equivalent.

5. _________If we use contraposition with an O statement, we end up with undetermined truth value.

In the following, state the name of the operation used and indicate the truth value for the new statement

Operation Truth Value

6. some s is not p (F) all s is p _______________ _________

7. some s is not p (F) some p is not s _______________ _________

8. some s is not p (F) some non-p is not non-s __________ _______

9. all s is non-p (F) no s is p ________________ _________

10. all s is non- p (F) all p is non-s _________________ __________

Solve the following problems using conversion, obversion and contraposition whe needed and if possible, take it to the square. If unable to take it to the square, state the fallacy committed. If you can take it to the square, state whether the problems are valid or invalid. If invalid, name the fallacy committed.

11. Some s are P

Some ~S are not P Valid_______ Invalid______ Fallacy___________

12. All ~S are P (F)

Some ~P are ~S Valid__________Invalid______Fallacy

13. Some S are not P

No P are ~S Valid_______ Invalid______ Fallacy___________

14. All S are ~P (F)

Some ~P are not ~S Valid_______Invalid_______Fallacy____________

15. Some ~s are P

Some ~p are not S Valid_______Invalid_______Fallacy____________