Q. This assignment has three parts, not including reflection. Part 1: Investigate and state, Starbucks marketing mix. (Product, Place, Promotion and Price.) Part 2: Describe the promotional strategy,

Consumer Behavior MGMT 740 Consumer Conundrum/Reflect Assignment Grade Point Rubric (earn up to 100 points) Criteria Inadequate Commendable Exceptional Organization Poor orga nization; writing is not clear; lacks logical organization Writing is somewhat coherent and logically organized; only some transitions used between ideas and paragraphs to create coherence; all parts are somewhat related Excellent organization and logically organized; all parts are related and are unified as one with clear connections Level of Content/Elaboration Information is not related to reading or topic: does not demonstra te understanding of the topic/concept; does not express ideas clearly; no elaboration Writing contains only some relevant information from reading; somewhat used connections to readings; somewhat elaborates on connections Writing contains relevant information to reading and topic/concept; ideas are stated clearly with connections to readings , and high value elaboration with new perspectives or insight to the assignment topic is observed ; uses a citation from reading, or outside source to enhance, and, support the answer to the question Grammar/Spelling/APA Utilizes poor spelling and grammar; written hastily No evidence of a smooth transition from idea to idea ; does not use APA style of writing Few grammatical or spelling errors are noted; Some evidence of a smooth transition from idea to idea ; Some evidence of correct use of APA style of writing Consistently uses grammatically correct sentences with rare misspellings ; Smooth transition from idea to idea ; Uses APA style of writing effectively Engagement with readings Makes no connection to the reading: Does not show evidence of having understood the reading/topic/concept :

Repeats or summarizes readings and discussions without clarity:

student is not engaged Shows some evidence that materials were read; assignment is somewhat understood; some connections were made to readings/topics/concept ; student is somewhat engaged Clearly shows that you have read and understand the readings /topic/concept ; Assignment answered fully and completely and there is clear connections betw een assignment and readings: student is engaged Overall module r eflection Does not explain your thinking process for the topics learned in this Module; reflection does not makes connections to readings, module topics , and own experiences; no insightful viewpoints Somewhat explains your thinking process for the topics learned in this Module; reflection somewhat makes connections to readings, module topics and own experiences; viewpoints are somewhat insightful Response demonstrates a concise brief reflection on what you think about the topics and readings for module; reflection is clear and makes connections to readings , discussions, and module topics ; viewpoints are noteworthy