---Option2- Campaign Development---Final Assignment Due:Sunday, July 26th, on Canvas by 11.59 pm FINAL ASSIGNMENT PROPOSAL Background: In this class, you learned about the various steps of a political

Campaign Development

Campaign Development

Wenjia Zhang

Course: MFJS 2280

Instructor: David Coppini

Date: July 12, 2020

This proposal focuses on Donald Trump, who is running a presidential campaign. Mr. Trump is the 45th and the current president of the United States. He was a renowned businessman before entering politics. He has continuously set up high entrepreneurial and business standards, particularly in the entertainment, real estate, and sports industries. This achievement has replicated in his political life. He believes that the United States has significant potential to achieve incredible achievements soon (Sun, 2018).

There are various reasons why I am interested in these campaigns. First, Mr. Trump was the previous presidential election in his first attempt to run for any political job. This campaign will show how he has grown politically over the years. Secondly, the country has faced a severe economic crisis as a result of the current coronavirus pandemic. Mr. Trump must show Americans how effective his strategies have been in addressing the crisis. I will be interested in seeing how people will respond to the campaign message. Besides, President Trump is facing significant competition from the Democrats candidate. It will be interesting to see how he absorbs that pressure.

Social media posts have been used widely by President Trump to pas his message to his supporters. Using social media for campaigns effectively reaches as many people as possible (Kreis, 2017). However, there is still potential for improvement. One way to improve these posts is to create polls and surveys to gather the opinion of Americans. Another way that the posts can promote is by responding to comments from social media users. It can also improve by using influencers to share content.


Kreis, R. (2017). The “tweet politics” of President Trump. Journal of Language and Politics16(4), 607-618. Retrieved from https://www.jbe-platform.com/content/journals/10.1075/jlp.17032.kre

Sun, W. (2018). A Critical Discourse Analysis of “Minority Women for Trump” Campaigns on Social Media. In Reconceptualizing new media and intercultural communication in a networked society (pp. 303-327). IGI Global. Retrieved from https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/a-critical-discourse-analysis-of-minority-women-for-trump-campaigns-on-social-media/202787