Look for an article about climate change and write a critique. summurize the main issues and also comapare it with ecological principles. The article I chose to critique is titled "Climate Change is S


Climate Change Article Critique

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Climate Change Article Critique

The article I chose to critique is titled "Climate Change is Shrinking the West's water supply" by Emily Benson in High Country News. This magazine focuses on the Colorado region. In her article, Benson describes the effects of climate change on Colorado, California, and Nevada's freshwater supply. Throughout the article, she goes through three sources, each a scholarly article written by a team of respected scientists and environmentalists, which cover the relevant topic and possible future implications of continued disregard for greenhouse emissions. Some of the things that I feel she lacked on were an editorial, unbiased standpoint.

In the article, Benson argues that the increase in temperature as a result of global warming is causing the ice pack's shrinkage on top of the Colorado Rockies (Benson, 2017). Using the three studies, she points out that climate change is real and has impacted all the water supplies. And the only way to keep the rivers flowing and mountains covered with snow were to combat greenhouse emissions. However, there was little actual content from an editorial standpoint. She did not provide her insight or opinion or provide any defense for the other side.

The article seems logical and balanced. There is a tinge of emotion and bias in her article that makes me wonder what other explanations could be given for the drop in the ice pack and deep groundwater aquifers. Water, like energy, is never indeed destroyed and must have gone somewhere. Comparing her articles points with the ecological principles, it is evident that Benson observed the principle of limits as she points out the number of gas emissions. In the article, she says that the upper basin of Colorado River is “1.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer now than during the 1900s” (Benson, 2017). This meant that a lot of water is lost through evaporation that it used to be.


Benson, E. (2017, June 12). Climate change is shrinking the West’s water supply. High Country News, (49). http://www.hcn.org/issues/49.10/climate-change-is-shrinking-the-wests-water-supply