PurposeThe monitoring and controlling of processes and outputs is critical to the success of the project. It is the responsibility of the project manager (PM) to measure the progress toward achieving

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR632 Nurse Executive CGE II

Project Monitoring-and-Controlling Template

Project Title:


Knowledge Area

Monitoring and Controlling


Detailed Description of F or E Ratings**



Integration Management

Scope Management

Time Management

Cost Management

Quality Management

Human-Resource Management

Communication Management

Risk Management

Procurement Management

Frequency Key: N=Never, O = Occasional (1-4 times), F= Frequent (5-10 times), E = Excessive (>10 times)

*Record the number of times that you had to monitor and control each knowledge area during the project, using the frequency key above.

** Write a detailed description about any occurrences that happened more than 5 times or were rated frequent (F) or excessive (E).


Write a summary paragraph describing the results of the monitoring and controlling of processes and outputs that you conducted during your project.