When completing the project paper on Incident Response Team Structure and Plan, you must have a minimum of 5outside peer-reviewed sources cited and referenced in the paper.Your full 5-8page term paper

ISSC455 Week 4

Your Name:Jessica Carrington

Fill in your name above, put your answer below each question, and then return this document for grading.

  1. Submit a one page outline with your proposed term paper title, thesis statement, and an outline of the subtopics you will cover in your paper.

  1. Introduction

  1. An issue the Incident Response Team solved

  2. Thesis statement: The Incident Response Team Structure and plan will be discussed by thoroughly explaining who is involved, how it’s put together and how the structure and plans are put together.

  1. Origin of Incident Response Team

A. Deeper explanation of Incident Response Team

B. How and why it was created

C. Who it helps

  1. Incident Response Team Structure

  1. Roles

  2. Responsibilities

  3. Type of training necessary

  1. The phases of the Incident Response Team Plan

  1. Preparation

  2. Identification

  3. Containment

  4. Eradication

  5. Recovery

  6. Lessons Learned

  1. Conclusion

  1. Summary of the work

  2. Thesis statement: The incident response team structure and plan is detrimental of keeping businesses data safe from being compromised and how the plans and structure are created is key.