Read Case 6.1 in your textbook and reflect on your own experience with urgent care centers, or interview a friend or family member about their experience. Address the following questions: Based on the

HCM 325 Module Three Journal Guidelines and Rubric In this journal, you will analyze the target market and industry segments in order to develop marketing objectives for an urg ent care center. Read Case 6.1 in your textbook and reflect on your own experience with urgent care centers, or interview a friend or family m ember about their experience. Address the following questions: 1. Based on their market research, did the entrepreneurs in t he case find that the urgent care center model would appeal to the general population or that some segments of the population would find it more attractive than others? 2. What was the profile of the customers most likely to use the urgent care center? 3. How did knowledge of the characteristics of the best prospects contribute to an effective marketing campaign? 4. Based on external research (a quick literature search) and drawing upon your own experiences or the experiences of a family m ember or friend, what are the key success factors for urgent care centers? 5. Based on the key success factors you have identified, determine one objective for marketing the urgent care center. State the objective as a SMART objective. Reference the case, your textbook, or other scholarly resources to support your responses. Journal activities in this course are private. Only the instructor can view and comment on your assignments . Rubric Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Segments Explains whether the urgent care center model would appeal to the general population or specific segments and references the case to support response Explains whether the urgent care center model would appeal to the general population or specific segments, but does not reference the case to support response Does not explain whether the urgent care center model would appeal to the general population or specific segments 17 Customer Profile Profiles customers most likely to use the urgent care center, and references case or text to support response Profiles customers most likely to use the urgent care center, but does not reference case or text to support response Does not profile customers most likely to use the urgent care center 17 Characteristics Explains how knowledge of the characteristics of the customer contribute s to an effective marketing campaign , and references case or text to support response Explains how knowledge of the characteristics of the customer contributes to an effective marketin g campaign, but does not reference case or text to support response Does not explain how knowledge of the characteristics of the customer contributes to an effective marketing campaign 22 Success Factors Discusses key success factors for urgent care cente rs, and reference s scholarly resource or reflect s on personal experience to support answer Discusses key success factors for urgent care centers , but does not reference scholarly resource or reflect on personal experience to support answer Does not discuss key success factors for urgent care centers 22 Marketing Objective Develops a SMART marketing objective based on key success factors identified, and references case or text to support response Develops a marketing objective based on key success factors identified, but does not reference case or text to support response or objective is not stated as a SMART objective Does not develop a marketing objective based on key success factors identified 22 Total 100%