Peers' Discussion: During the sports day, one of the members of the cheering team had a disability. His spinal cord had permanent injuries and he could walk no longer. Despite this, he was among the b

Running head: DISABLED PEOPLE 0


Disabled People

Institution of Affiliation

  1. Describe an experience you had that involved someone with a disability.  This can be yourself or someone else.  How did others respond to the person with the disability?

I was about to cross a busy highway when I noticed an elderly female in a wheelchair who could hardly cross the road. The person asked me to help her pass the way, and I helped her across the road. The drivers from the coming vehicles willingly slowed down or stopped ensuring we reached the other side of the road safely. The person also explained that I was the third person she had asked of the favor and that the first two had declined.

  1. How could a video like this change that response?

The video is inspirational and shows that people with disabilities should not be neglected or looked upon by other members of society. The video can positively help people respond to their disabled counterparts and realize that the latter may require their help. The video changes the perspective that disabled people are inferior and that we should not hang out with them.

  1. What do you think is the hardest part of responding to a person with a disability as a person rather than as a disability?

Responding to an individual with a disability as a person rather than disability is quite challenging. The hardest part of the response is how one can show equality between the two and encourage them to live happily. People living with disabilities have some parts of the body that are dysfunctional and encouraging them to live well reminds them of their problem.

  1. What one step would you recommend to others to avoid othering those with disabilities?

The best way I can recommend people to stop bothering people with disabilities is to ensure that you view them as equally important as yourself. Many people see disabled individuals as inferior to them, and hence they do not want to be associated with them in any way. Other people also assume that people with disabilities are hard to attend to and can only be aided in their daily chores. Viewing disables people as able and equal will ensure that a good rapport is created.

  1. Did this video change your core understanding of disability?

The video was revealing and improved my acceptance and appreciation of people living with disabilities. The individuals in the video are disabled but are optimistic and have adopted their unique ways of life to live happily. My understanding of disability before watching the video is that individuals with disabilities do not appreciate themselves and feel that they lack some human features. However, the video shows that such people believe in themselves and even have dreams and ambitions.

  1. In your view, which created the biggest impact--the words that were spoken or the images the viewer saw?  Defend your choice. 

The words spoken in the video had the most significant impact. The images just acted to support the words being spoken. The video would be irrelevant without the words, but the reverse would be sensible. The video's central theme and agenda have been articulated through words with the images only showing the disabilities with the responders. Every participant gives their speech as the video shows them happy and relaxed, which is also evident in their tones. The words offer essential information about the video that any other aspect.

  1. How did this video change your core understanding of stereotype?

The society is organic and has people with different stereotypes which impact the interaction between healthy people and persons with disability. People have developed a negative attitude towards disabled individuals and view themselves as better beings. As a result, healthy people neglect and despise disabled persons since they have a perception that the latter only needs help.


How You See Me: (2017, January 9). Disability [Video File}. Retrieved from: