Cultural ChangeSalesforce is a company based out of San Francisco, California. They are the leaders in cloud technology. Salesforce is also the name of their flagship product, which is a highly custom

Title of your paper

Your Name

New England College

Anthem Cohort

HIM 5110 Principles of Health Informatics

Assignment ______




Double-spaced. Each paragraph should be at least four sentences long. The first opens the paragraph by letting the reader know what you will tell them. The next two plus sentences will make the case supporting the opening statement. The last sentence will either summarize of provide a transition to the next paragraph.

This section basically covers ‘why the reader should read your paper’.

Body of your Paper

Now state and defend the purpose of your paper. You can make sections if helpful.

Conclusion Draw a conclusion and/or summarize what you have covered.References

(Bruce David 2010 New report compares Pennsylvania hospital infection rates)Bruce, D. (2010). New report compares Pennsylvania hospital infection rates. Erie Times-News, 1/14/2010.

(Consumer Reports 2010 Deadly Infections)Consumer Reports (2010). Deadly infections. Hospitals can lower the risk, but many fail to act, Consumer Reports, March 2010, 16-21.

(Tobak Y P Johannes R S Silber J H Kurtz S G 2005 Should do-not-resuscitate status be included as a mortality risk adjuster? the impact of DNR variations on performance reporting)Tobak, Y. P., Johannes, R. S., Silber, J. H., & Kurtz, S. G. (2005). Should do-not-resuscitate status be included as a mortality risk adjuster? the impact of DNR variations on performance reporting. Medical Care, 43, 658-666.

(Us Department Of Health And Human Services 201026)US Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Retrieved August 2, 2012, from

The below is not appropriately referenced example using our text. Can you identify what is wrong?

Management: Leading & Collaborating in the Competitive World. Thomas Bateman & Scott Snell, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2013 12th Edition. ISBN: 978-1-259-54694-5