When working in Human Services, the intake process lays the foundation for building the helping relationship. The way intakes are done can vary from agency to agency. Many organizations will have spec


Case Study: The Norris Family


The Wright-Manor School District (WMSD) is the largest public school district in the state. It covers an area consisting of 3 large suburbs of a major metropolitan area. Approximately 60% of the students in the district are from a lower socioeconomic status and require resources and support from local Human Services agencies. You work as a Family Advocate within the school district. It is your responsibility to work directly with children and their families that are referred to you by the school staff. Your duties include assessing needs, designing plans to meet these needs, making referrals, and case management. Your cases involve working with clients who are dealing with issues related to immigration, poverty, and behavioral and health-related issues.

Maya’s History

Maya Norris is a six-year-old African American female in Kindergarten. She began attending WMSD mid-way through the school year and has exhibited behavioral issues such as fighting with her peers, poor social skills, and inappropriate behaviors. She lives in a single-parent, female, African American home and has two older siblings, Chanelle Norris, a 12-year-old female and Robert Norris, a nine-year-old male. Maya’s mother, Denise Norris, works at a local pancake house as a server. The family has recently moved into the district from out of state due to a low-income housing opportunity provided through a local church.

The Referral

Maya’s Kindergarten teacher, Ms. Evans, contacts you regarding Maya. Ms. Evans says she has initiated numerous conversations with Maya’s mom, Denise, since Maya joined her classroom two months ago. She has left phone messages, sent letters home with Maya via the postal service but has not been able to communicate her concerns to Denise. Ms. Evans mentions that Maya often comes to school disheveled, hungry, and with poor hygiene. Maya has stated several times that her mom “beats” her when she gets in trouble, and Ms. Evans feels the family could benefit from Human Services.

Referral Information

After looking into Maya’s siblings, you learn that Chanelle has been disciplined for truancy and fighting in school. Chanelle’s sixth grade teacher, Mr. Jameson, voices concerns regarding Chanelle’s lacking attention span and low academic skills. Mr. Jameson has also attempted to contact Chanelle’s mom with no response. Maya’s brother, Robert, is in the third grade and his teacher, Mr. Lee, has not had any real issues with him. Mr. Lee says Robert is a very shy, quiet boy, keeping to himself most of the time and needing extra encouragement to participate in class. Robert’s school work is average and his attendance is fairly regular.

Working within a public school district gives the family advocate permission to view the children’s previous school records. You notice that the family has moved several times within the last five years and that the children’s school records are sparse in details. One school noted that working with Denise could be challenging as she is difficult to communicate with and easily upset.