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The proposed alternative strategic approach will be based on a current program being implemented which is the Diabetes Prevention Care Continuum. The idea of the Diabetes Prevention Care Continuum is a promising method to increase T2D prevention but will need major support from individuals, healthcare providers, and health systems in order to improve the awareness of diabetes risk, linkage to effective interventions, and subsequent behavioral changes. A strategy that should be implemented within this program is data management relating to the cost-effectiveness of diabetes intervention/management within a hospital setting and correlating that data with community efforts relating to diabetes prevention/management. This will be important as it relates to pre-diabetes (T2D) management especially since T2D is a preventable disease if the right precautions are addressed and implemented. This alternative will also assist with screenings and accurate treatment for pre-diabetes (T2D). Also, public health agencies should implement policy within a hospital setting that will address and measure diabetes management within a hospital setting. Having these approaches working together will increase the overall knowledge of diabetes and pre-diabetes and will create a community for those who are diabetic and at risk for diabetes to receive well-rounded care.

T2D can be addressed by reducing modifying risk factors by healthier eating options, weight loss, and increased physical activity. Creating better support overall for those who are diabetic or pre-diabetic can increase this outcome which will result in a better health outcome in public health. Although these risk factors may look easy to achieve, for most people they can be fairly difficult to address, especially for those who are diabetic. Creating a well-rounded healthcare team (physicians, nutritionist, fitness experts, community advocates, etc.) that can meet the needs of those who may not have easy access to better quality of food or increasing their physical activity can possibly reduce diabetes incidence by 34 percent within a 10-year time frame (Gruss et al. 2019).

With every approach, resources will be needed. Funding via federal and state will be extremely important in order to implement this approach because this will provide all of the other resources that will be needed. Stakeholders can contribute and influence policy relating to diabetes prevention and management. Healthcare staff training and education on bettering assisting patients who are pre-diabetic or diabetic with the right tools, education, and support with managing their disease. Community outreach workers educating the public more in-depth about diabetes, the effects, prevention efforts, and resources on how to monitor and manage care. Local involvement will create grocery stores and walking trails around areas that may have a higher risk for diabetics.

The advantages of this approach will increase the better quality of care for those who are diabetic and prevention care for those who are at risk. Reducing the incidence of T2D within a high-risk population and ethnic groups. Bettering the healthcare system overall as it relates to treatment and diabetes management. The disadvantages would be financial funding, funding is always a cause of concern with public health programs. Lack of state government support with creating accessible grocery stores and fitness locations suitable for underserved populations.


Golden, S. H., Maruthur, N., Mathioudakis, N., Spanakis, E., Rubin, D., Zilbermint, M., & Hill-Briggs, F. (2017). The Case for Diabetes Population Health Improvement: Evidence-Based Programming for Population Outcomes in Diabetes. Current diabetes reports17(7), 51. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11892-017-0875-2

Gruss, S. M., Nhim, K., Gregg, E., Bell, M., Luman, E., & Albright, A. (2019). Public Health Approaches to Type 2 Diabetes Prevention: the US National Diabetes Prevention Program and Beyond. Current diabetes reports19(9), 78. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11892-019-1200-z

Philis-Tsimikas, A., & Gallo, L. C. (2014). Implementing community-based diabetes programs: the scripps whittier diabetes institute experience. Current diabetes reports14(2), 462. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11892-013-0462-0