In addition, you are required to submit two reflection essays of up to 1,000 words on July 10 and 31, respectively, on Canvas. Both essays will be graded on a 10-point basis. They will contribute 20%




  1. Are Gender Differences Due to Nature, Nurture, or Both?

    1. The Role of Biology

    2. Gender Socialization

    3. The Social Construction of Gender

      1. Doing Gender

    4. Cross-Cultural and Historical Findings

      1. New Guinea

      2. The !Kung

      3. The Bacha Posh in Afghanistan

      4. Blurring the Boundaries between the Genders

  2. How Do Gender Inequalities Play Out in Social Institutions?

    1. Education

      1. Unequal Treatment in the Classroom

      2. The Gendering of College Majors

    2. Women and the Workplace

      1. Inequalities at Work

      2. The Glass Ceiling

      3. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

      4. Economic Inequality in Global Perspective

    3. The Family and Gender Issues

      1. The “Motherhood Penalty”

      2. Housework and the Second Shift

    4. Gender Inequality in Politics

      1. Gender and Politics: Global Perspective

  3. Why Are Women the Target of Violence?

    1. Rape

    2. Sexual Violence against Women: Evidence of “Rape Culture”?

  4. How Does Social Theory Explain Gender Inequality?

    1. Functionalist Approaches

    2. Feminist Approaches

      1. Liberal Feminism

      2. Radical Feminism

      3. Black Feminism and Transnational Feminism

  5. How Can We Reduce Gender-Based Aggression?