Methodology: My Action Research Project (4 pages maximum) This is a brief, concise section focusing your reader on the essential elements of your AR project. Assume a more professional style and tone

Running head: NEEDS ASSESSMENT 0

Needs Assessment


The research will be focusing on increasing on-task behavior in students who have autism during the home learning school period. During the research, there will be two assessment instruments that are appropriate for use. The first one is the Functional Assessment Screening Tool (FAST). This tool is important because it allows the researcher to discover the various factors that have an impact on the specific problem behavior. The second tool that is used is Event Recording. The Event Recording Tool gives the researcher the opportunity to document all of the behaviors in real-time (Leblanc et al., 2016). The tools are important compared to the others because they complement each other when it comes to data collection. The Event Recording tool is important as it can frequently record the occurrence of a particular behavior of interest.

The use of these tools will assist in identifying several vital aspects that will inform the best way to increase the on-task behaviors with autism particularly when looking at the task refusal behaviors. The two tools are also easy to understand and will require minimal training when it comes to collecting the valuable data. The assessment involves various students who are learning from home and have autism. The students are more likely to engage in off-task behaviors. The researcher seeks to alter the task refusal behaviors that have been portrayed by the students. The off-task behavior is detrimental to the learning outcomes of the students (Leblanc et al., 2016). It is important to make sure that the students are controlled so that they acquire new skills and become independent. The first tool that was used was the FAST tool to assess the participants and identify the right ones for the study. The second tool, Events Recording Tool, was used in giving insight on current learning gaps in home. The Events Recording tool was used over a period to carefully collect the data.


LeBlanc, L. A., Raetz, P. B., Sellers, T. P., & Carr, J. E. (2016). A proposed model for selecting measurement procedures for the assessment and treatment of problem behavior. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9(1), 77-83.