IntroductionTerm PaperThe purpose of the Term Paper is to analyze the student’s ability to articulate key course concepts in relation to a professional organization. Each student will write a position

Amazon’s Staffing Plan 5

Amazon’s Staffing Plan

Roderick Hooks

Park University

Amazon is an American Multinational Company that is an online market through technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and live streaming to meet the needs of their customers. Amazon was started in 1994 as an online book store but expanded its operations to clothing, electronics, food, furniture, jewelry, and video games among others. Amazon is based in Seattle but has plans to expand its website for Ireland, Canada, the US, UK, and Germany (Wells et al., 2015).

Amazon also has plans to expand the online grocery business which is branded AmazonFresh in Seattle to deliver fresh meat and eggs. Amazon plans to expand its operations outside Seattle to places like Los Angeles with a targeted plan of about 40 markets (Wells et al., 2015). As a result, Amazon has plans to recruit over 7000 positions in the US. Some of the positions being considered in this recruitment are Warehouse supervisor, Customer service manager, and delivery representative. Amazon also seeks to employ 2000 more workers in the customer service department.

Amazon staffing strategy will need to comply with existing legal considerations at local, state, and federal levels. One of the legal considerations that Amazon needs to comply with is that it must not discriminate employees based on gender and race among other important aspects. Amazon must consider the federal employment laws as outlaid by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Gold, 2018). When making job description Amazon must find out the obligations to employees in terms of compensation, benefits, and wage disclosure laws.

As Amazon seeks to recruit all those employees the positions include of full time, part-time and seasonal employment. The expansion in terms of countries means different locations and therefore each has different legal implications that play an important role in successful operations. It is therefore important for Amazon to comply with legal considerations of the new locations especially the recruitment process to minimize risk. This will guide the company in terms of posting the valance, how to hold interviews, job description, and making the job offer.

Social media is one of the platforms used during the recruitment process. However, Amazon needs to be careful as it may raise legal concerns due to the possibility for discrimination whether intentional or unintentional based on gender, age, and race among (Calvasina, Calvasina, and Calvasina, 2014). Discrimination can also impact other aspects including competency and impact salary negotiations. This means that social media should not be considered an initial recruitment tool.

In this recruiting process, the human resources manager should start with designing a recruitment strategy to include needs assessment. Amazon has to start with determining the organization needs to succeed in the department and find ways of fulfilling the needs through human resources (Kantor & Streitfeld, 2015).

The recruiting strategy should be chosen depending on the position. This can include getting talent from competitors. Amazon is seeking to recruit a warehouse manager and therefore the recruitment efforts may not need aggressive strategies since duties and responsibilities related to the position are not very specialized to need such means (Kantor & Streitfeld, 2015).

Recruitment can kick off through job-hunting websites such as LinkedIn a platform where potential employees can upload their CVs and resumes. However, the human resource manager must avoid making recruitment decisions on a discriminatory basis and this can be avoided through a search algorithm using helpful keywords (Calvasina, Calvasina, and Calvasina, (2014). The recruitment for a different position should start with consultations with the different managers and supervisors to determine skills, competencies, and duties. This will also carry the responsibility of deciding pay and benefits for this position.


Calvasina, G. E., Calvasina, R. V., & Calvasina, E. J. (2014). Social media and human resource staffing: Legal, policy, and practice issues for employers. Journal of legal, ethical, and regulatory issues, 17(2), 51.

Kantor, J., & Streitfeld, D. (2015). Inside Amazon: Wrestling big ideas in a bruising workplace. The New York Times, 15, Q1.

Wells, J. R., Weinstock, B., Ellsworth, G., & Danskin, G. (2015). Amazon. com, 2019.

Gold, M. E. (2018). Introduction to the Law of Employment Discrimination. Cornell University Press.