Case Study 1: Walmart Manages Ethics and Compliance Challenges Due Week 3 and worth 200 points Read "Case Study 3: Walmart Manages Ethics and Compliance Challenges," located on page 407 of the textboo

Assignment Grading The overall guidelines for assignments are located in the student center. Be sure to review the information as it will be extremely helpful towards the overall success of assignments. How Assignments Are Graded During this quarter there will be something called the “ Alternate Grading Method ”. This method takes a less -rigid approach to grading assignment content and formatting. In fact, it is quite possible to receive at least the minimum passing percentage (80%) even if you feel the work is not your best. However, it is still very critical that everyone follow the prescribed rules and requirements for preparing and completing all assignments as doing so will also get the best results. It is also critical to note that only the rules and requirements for assignments in this course apply and not any rules or requirements for course taken previously. For all assignments in this course, there will be nine (9) possible percentages that can be achieved: (1) 100%, (2) 97.5%, (3) 95%, (4) 92.5%, (5) 90%, (6) 87.5%, (7) 85%, (8) 82,5% and (9) 80%. Each percentage is considered a passing score ranging from a high “A” to a low “B”. The actual percentage achieved will be based on the number of errors found in the paper. The correlation of percentages to errors are found from the following: Percentage Number of Errors 100% 0 - 1 97.5 2 - 3 95 4 92.5 5 - 6 90 7 87.5 8 - 9 85 10 82.5 11 80 12 NOTE: Specific types of errors to avoid will be covered fully by the professor throughout the course . So , as you can see, even if there are multiple errors found in the assignment there is still the opportunity to receive a passing score. The better the writing and rules and requirements adherence, the better the percentage. However , there are two things that can negatively affect the final percentage you receive: (1) Late Submission Days and (2) Plagiarism. Late Submission Days . Students who submit work after the assigned due date without documented (or communicated) exceptional ci rcumstances can expect a 1.428% daily score reduction with accompanying late points in the following manner: • Assignments submitted within 7 days after the submission deadline will receive up to a 10% deduction. The actual deduction will be determined by th e professor but cannot exceed 10%. • Assignments submitted between 8 and 14 days after the submission date will receive up to 20% deduction. The actual deduction will be determined by the professor but cannot exceed 20%. • Assignments submitted between 15 and 21 days after the submission deadline will receive up to a 30% deduction. The actual deduction will be determined by the professor but cannot exceed 30%. • Assignments submitted beyond 21 days after the submission deadline will not be accepted . The professor has the option to amend this rule based on critical student circumstances as determined by the professor. • Assignments due during the final week of the term cannot be accepted late. Any assignment that is not 21 days pass the due date can still be submitted and must be submitted by 11:59 on the last Wednesday (week 11) of the course to receive some credit. Plagiarism . It goes without saying that an assignment found to have a certain amount of similar, uncited words will be “flagged” and sc ored a “0”. The student will have an opportunity to resubmit the work at a reduced percentage. For this course, there is no such thing as “allowable percentage of plagiarism”. However, a n assignment will be considered “flagged” for plagiarism if more than 3 "sections of words" ( long sentences, paragraphs, etc.) are determined to be from other sources for which credit has not been given. The paper will then receive a score of “0” . Here is what else you need to know: o For any assignment that is flagged for plagiarism for the first time, if it is reasonably determined that a student UNINTENTIONALY plagiarized information, they will receive a written warning (usually in paper assignment feedback) and a score of "0" from the professor. The assignment may then b e resubmitted for up to 80%credit and must be resubmitted within 15 days following receipt of the written warning. It should be also be noted that the 15 -day period to resubmit the paper does not extend grace periods to any other assignment due for the cou rse. o If it is reasonably determined that a student INTENTIONALY plagiarized words in the paper, a "0" grade is given and the student will be allowed to resubmit for up to 50% credit and must resubmit within 7 days following receipt of the written warning. It should be also noted that the 7 -day period to resubmit does not extend grace periods to any other assignment due for the course. o Second and subsequent assignments for the course found to be quantitatively plagiarized will receive a grade of “0” with a bsolutely no exceptions and no resubmits . Also, as a matter of record and compliance, intentional and/or a second plagiarism offense will be reported to Strayer University’s Office of Student Affairs . While students cannot check their work through SafeAssign before submitting, it is highly recommended that students use Grammarly or some other source to check their work prior to submission. Students should also take care to ensure credit is given to all sourced information Avoiding or Minimizing Err ors for Assignments As I review assignments, I will key in on 5 points for formatting and 3 points for information content. With overall formatting 1. Make sure all running heads are properly set up on all pages per APA guidelines. Two or more running heads improperly set up will incur 1 paper error. 2. Make sure section headings are properly set up. Do not copy and paste the paper requirement statement s bu t instead restructure those statements into 5 but no more than 10 words. Headings must also be centered on page, each word begins with a capital letter (except and, of, the, etc.), and all should be bold text. More than 2 headings improperly set up will incur 1 error. 3. Make sure all citations have at least 3 parts (author[s], year, and page or paragraph number) and this is regardless if they apply to quotes or paraphrases. More than two citations improperly set up will incur 1 error. If all citations improperly set, 2 errors are charged. 4. Make sure all paragraphs are properly indented one -half inch to the right and spacing between lines of words do not exceed double. More than 2 issues noted with paragraphs and spacing will cost 1 erro r. There should be no “page -long” paragraphs and an additional error will be charged for more than one page -long paragraph. 5. Make sure references are properly formatted according to APA or as required by the instructor. Ensure all required information is pa rt of the reference and be sure the page is accurately set up. More than 2 issues noted will cost 1 error . With overall content 1. Be sure to include an introduction section for all assignments. Do not use abstracts. The introduction section must have a hea ding that is the same as the paper’s title, not the word introduction and it must not be bold text. The introduction must be at least one full paragraph of at least 8 to 10 lines of information. One error is charged for missing these rules and 3 errors cha rged for missing the entire section. 2. Content is critical . Be sure to directly address all key points of the particular section’s requirement with a good balance of research and your own thoughts. Responses must be specific, effective, and clear. There shou ld be no non -relevant discussion or input and research must not dominate the responses. If all input is fairly good with only a couple issues 1 error will be charged. Any similar words not cited and not more than 3 sections found in SafeAssign will incur 3 errors. If input is not relevant, not deemed specific or effective, or has too much research 3 errors will be charged. If the entire section (paper requirement) is missing 6 errors will be charged. 3. Include a conclusion section after all input has been sha red. The conclusion section must have a heading (Conclusion) and must be bold text. Conclusion sections must be at least one full paragraph of at least 8 to 10 lines of information. A conclusion is not a summary, meaning it should not just mention the thin gs you covered in the paper. It should highlight the importance of the paper’s topics and information and make a couple recommendations for future applications. A conclusion deemed ineffective will be charge 1 error, whereas a totally missing conclusion se ction will be charged 3 errors. APA or SWS When writing papers for this course the student may use APA or Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) to effectively write and format assignment papers. A link has been provided for SWS support near the end of this document . For APA 7 information, the stude nt can go to… NOTE: When writing papers students must indicate with a statement on the cover page just below the running head that they have used either APA 6, APA 7, or SWS to write their paper . The use of citations and references for this course must be followed. The primary reason for adhering to the below information i s to confirm and validate cited paper information. Citations and References Using APA Citations Each time that information is either quoted or paraphrased from other’s work there must be a citation used to cover such information. The citation must be placed directly before or immediately after the quoted or paraphrased words. Directly quoted words wi ll also be inside quotation marks. The citation must also have at least 3 parts: (1) an author, (2) a year, and (3) a page or paragraph number depending on the type of source. This is extremely important so that anything you have written claiming to come f rom a source can be validated. Example of Quoted Information According to Lussier and Hendon (2019, p. 53) “HR managers need to recruit, select, train, and interact with employees differently based on different organizational strategies.” Notice that qu oted information has quotation marks and the citation was placed before the quote and has 3 parts. Example of Paraphrased Information Based on Above Quote HR must be aware of differences in company strategies so that they recruit, train, and interact app ropriately with all types of employees (Lussier & Hendon, 2019, p. 53). Note that paraphrased information does not require quotation marks, but the citation still has 3 parts and this time came after the paraphrased words. NOTE: In either of the examples above or any other “borrowed” information you must have 3 parts to the citations , and you may place the citations directly before or immediately after the sourced words (your choice). If there are not 3 parts to the citations it makes it difficult to locat e the information represented by the citation. Each time a citation is missing all 3 parts, points will be deducted from assignments. References Only quality references may be used for all assignments. Avoid using non -quality information or web sites. W hen listing references on the assignment reference page follow general APA rules for how to list the reference. Example Book Reference and Quality Web site Reference Book Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., & Valentine, S. R. (2015). Human resource managemen t (15th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. Acceptable Web site Reference Sammer, J. (2019). Pay equity shines spotlight on compensation alignment. Retrieved from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) web site at -topics/compensation/Pages/pay -equity -shines - spotlight -on -compensation -alignment.aspx If you use an article or paper from a web site, Ebsco Host,, or any other journal -type organization, you must include “ retrieved from ” information when listing the reference. Example You use the following reference for information in your paper : Rees, C & Edwards, T. (2009). Management strategies and HR in international mergers: Choice, constraints, and pragmatism. Human Resource Management Journal. 2009, Vol. 19 (1) , p24 -39. 16p. 1 Chart. DOI: 10.1111/j.1748 -8583.2008.00087.x. Same reference above but you must now include the retrieved from link and thus the reference reads: Rees, C & Edwards, T. (2009). Management strategies and HR in international mergers: Choice, constraints, and pragmatism. Human Resource Management Journal. 2009, Vol. 19 (1), p24 -39. 16p. 1 Chart. DOI: 10.1111/j.1748 -8583.2008.00087.x. Retrieved from https://eds -b-ebscohost - -b4c6 -4cef -a5 20 - c53647eb3956%40sdc -v-sessmgr02 Citations and References Using SWS If students decide to use SWS for citations and references, these items are set up differently from APA. Students can go to -9r to review the SWS support videos. If more clarification is needed for any of the above information in this document do not wait until the last minute to contact me with questions. All course assignments will be reviewed based on the above guidance. I will also send a copy of the above information to everyone's email. Dr. Wash