watch two videos ( ) ( ) and read the lecture one and two 1)What do you think

CHILDREN’S LITERATURE MODULE FOUR: LECTURE ONE Folklore is the expressive body of culture shared by a particular group of people. It encompasses the traditions , values, and beliefs common to that culture, subculture or group. It is a function of shared identity within the social group. Transmission is a vital part of the folklore process. Fol k artifacts are passed down informally and generally, anonymously. These stories cannot be traced back to one particular author, but instead may be collected by “compilers” of traditional stories and retold in literary form. One famous example of compilers of traditional stories would be the brothers Grimm, who collected old tales and rewrote them for a modern audience. Myth is a folklore genre consis ting of narratives that are ostensibly historical, though often supernat ural . The word “myth” is derived from the Greek “mythos” which simply means “story.” Mythology can refer either to the study of myths, or to a collection of myt hs. Myth can mean “sacred story” “traditional narrative” or “tale of the gods.” A myth can also explain why something exists. Human cultures’ mythologies usually include a creation myth, concerning the origins of the world. The active beings in myths ar e generally gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines, or animals and plants. A myth is a sacred narrative because it holds religious or spiritual significance for those who tell it. Myths also contri bute to and express a culture’s systems of though ts and values. Myths are stories that are currently understood as being exaggerated or fictitious. A legend is a genre of folklore that features human actions that supposedly took place at some point in the past . Legend, both for the tellers and listeners, incl udes no happenings that are outside the realm of possibility, but may include miracles. Many legends operate within the realm of uncertainty, never being entirely believed or entirely disbelieved. Sacred texts are a subset of religious texts. The se texts are considered sacred because of their nature as divinely or supernatura lly revealed or inspired. In other words, they are not thought to be created by regular human beings, but rather dictated by a god or other supernatural being. Religious texts are te xts which religious traditions consider to be central to their practice or beliefs. Religious texts may be used to provide meaning and purpose, evoke a better connection with the divine, convey religious truths, and guide individual and communal religious practice. The religious texts of one religion are often thought to be myth by followers of a different religion. Where Do Myths Come From? Some Theories: 1. They are the highest creation of the childho od of the human race. Primitive man had little science or technology, so he made up stories to explain the world and make it seem less frightening. 2. Societies wanted to promote models for human behavior. This theory pre tty much states that myths were stories made up by more intelligent people in order to keep the less intelligent (the masses) under control. 3. They are the organization of symbols that are psychologically significant for human beings. For example, the dreams of human beings in different times and cultures may be surprisingly similar: flying, going up endless stairs, falling, etc. No one ever taught us what to dream; it seems to be something we just naturally share. 4. Expression of Cultural Art. Before the time of television or internet p eople needed a way to fill up their leisure time so they sat around in groups and made up stories. And today there is no one alive who remembers what’s true and what isn’t.