This ethnographic report is on how covid-19 has affected the english premier league. I have already tried to do what i can but according to my lecturer it cant be passed as i have no form of questionn

Marking Criteria

Qualitative Research

Assignment 2: Ethnographic Task


You provide a rationale that identifies why this research is important and what authors suggest research in this area is needed. (you may use evidence from policies NCPE, governing bodies, and a range of literature )

Aims and objectives

3 Research questions

Literature Review

You have outlined the main literature that will form an academic framework for the study. (Consider the academic ‘themes’ that come out of the readings on this focus). You can only use the authors you introduce here in your analysis

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Research Design

Philosophy Position yourself and the research in an interpretive( + )paradigm


You discuss the methodology-(an ethnographic (+) approach)


You outline the choice of setting that fits your focus. You provide a critical and logical reflection of your research design (justify your research decisions -how you entered the field, what type of observer were you, justify research methods used – field observations, interviews) in every subtitle be critical – eg USE QUALITATIVE AUTHORS

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Ethics – discuss and justify how you are going to protect your participants and yourselves and outline the importance of a moral ethical code of conduct.

Confidentiality, anonymous, pseudonyms, consent forms, withdraw at any time, participant information forms etc

Discuss how you will protect personal information.

(Make constant links to the appropriate qualitative literature. )

You demonstrate how the choice of participant(s) and focus of the interview has developed out of the field observations. – remember this is how you develop your themes - Identify key informants that you observed and followed up for deeper information.

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Tools of Analysis

Critically justify your ‘tools for analysis’ (explain semiotics, thematic analysis & coding then demonatrate how you use these in your study).

Critical Analysis

Critically analyse your findings using links with the sociological literature.( For example– if you saw that lots of Asian girls sat out of swimming lessons – disaffected girls & ethnicity could be ‘dominant emergent ‘themes – you would then look at the feminist/ethnicity literature set up in the literature review and make some links = praxis -critical analysis to make sense of what you have seen)

You could rite up this section in emergent themes

Reference Page

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory


Your paper evidences an appropriate standard of referencing presentation, syntax and grammar.


1, You show evidence of accuracy and attention to detail in your interview transcripts (at least 5 mins worth in appendix) coded and show emergent themes.

2. All observation sheets on observation sheets & coded

You have included UOB provided on Breo

3. consent, forms

4. participation information sheet,

5. Your Gatekeeper letter,

and really important

6, email response / evidence from the setting that you attended (headed email or letter). NOT BLANKED OUT

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Excellent Good Sound Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Summative Comment:

Targets for personal development:

Recommended Grade 1st Marker Signed:………………………………………………………………………….. Date…………

Moderator: Signed:
