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Discussion 1:

Cyber-Attack Countermeasures

The need for organizations to always have mechanisms and frameworks that can allow organizations to operate effectively means that while there have been attempts made towards that end, there have been many gaps. One of the gaps that are noticeable for organizations have to deal with cybersecurity threats like the one experienced by the water utility company is internal threats. (Alexander, 2017) stated that the case of employees or individuals who have been given permission and access allows them to hide some of their activities. This vulnerability as was exposed by the Information Technology specialty and with the understanding of the workings of the SCADA systems, they were able to hide some of their tracks for some time to remarkable success.

Some measures can be used which can have an impact on the way that such internal threats can be addressed in the organizations. One of the steps that will work if the individuals in the organization will be able to have a better way of addressing some of their weaknesses. This program can be targeted at ensuring some of the threats that are possible through internal means are dealt with. Some of the strategies that can be used to this end are to ensure that roles and services in the organization can be easily attributed to particular users. Dealing with a certain threat depends on how well the organization is prepared to respond. (Yadav, Verma, & Solanki, 2019).

The organization can also have in place a post-employment mechanism where they are able to deal with each of the employees or individuals who may have had some form of access. This can reduce the kind of access that can be had for an entity’s systems, assets and data to ensure that the data can be attached with some form of credibility even when an individual who may have had the privilege of accessing that kind of data is no longer working for the entity.


Alexander, R. (2017). Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process Model in the Prioritization of Information Assurance Defense In-Depth Measures?—A Quantitative Study. Journal of Information Security8(03), 166.

Yadav, R., Verma, R. N., & Solanki, A. K. (2019). Defense-in-Depth Approach for Early Detection of High-Potential Advanced Persistent Attacks. In Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (pp. 205-216). Springer, Singapore.


Discussion 2:

The risk assessment, joined by an incapacity appraisal and a risk status check, plainly perceives the computerized weaknesses that may require removal of the pipeline outline. It is unfathomable to dispense with defects consistently, be it, particularly with little authority over the structure and frameworks the board programming utilized as a prologue to administrative oversight and data get to systems. Contingent upon various dealers to discover which holes and flexibly spots are being disposed of, it's an eternal methodology (Creery & Bryes, 2005). The first course of action is the improvement of autonomous boundaries and ensures (particular countermeasures) around the SCADA system with an end goal to guard correspondence strategies.

For the situation referenced over, the assault happened because the tire proprietors had no control of the tire and depended on one individual to manage their tire. This has given the authority the full access to the tire that moves with no other endorsement.

On the off chance that the association had some free outskirts, it would be phenomenal. The system required the authority to look for endorsement before shutting or reconstructing the structure (William, 2004).

Second, administrators could have embraced a board approach that reflected shared IT rehearses. It replaces default usernames at any believable point. Set up secret phrase educational programs that guarantee a reasonable, multi-faceted passphrase and not permit short or theoretical passwords successfully. Also, limit the executive's entrance to the structure. It will likewise decrease or dispose of weaknesses (from default logs to weak passwords) that give intruder chances to catch a parcel in a system.

Another countermeasure would have been to disconnect the limits of the control outline from the organization framework by a suitable mix of firewalls and DMZs. Orchestrate firewalls for square inbound connections. Outbound connection stock focuses on just those unequivocally required for exercises. Permit just a significant framework shows unequivocally in DMZ, Square shows, or a futile channel. Abstain from framework associations that overlook outskirts security (William, 2004).

Dispenses with inadequacies in guaranteeing the limits of the control edge and builds the inner assailant's concern of abusing different weaknesses. Because of its express transmittance and receptiveness, the organization's framework can't be shielded against interference by utilizing openly available hacking (Creery & Bryes, 2005).


Anonymous, 2003. Maximum Security, Fourth Edition, Sams Publishing, Indianapolis.

William T. Shaw, 2004. SCADA System Vulnerabilities to Cyber Attack. Cyber Security


Creery, A and Bryes, E. J., 2005 "Industrial cybersecurity for power system and SCADA

networks, "Record of Conference Papers Industry Applications Society 52nd Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference, Denver, CO, USA".