Youwill be assigned a grade based on a written report (2 – 3 pages double spaced) completed at the end of the simulation. Occasionally poor decision makers get good results and good decision makers ge

Simulation Final Report

Question 1 A.

As the Yw Inc., is one of the leading and unique company in the operational industry, it is one the pioneers who brought Asian foods and vegetables to US market, hence they are the business leaders from then, producing a wide range of eatable and raw food products and providing them in the US markets with a vast presence in all the major locations of the country.

The business overall strategy from the start has been to focus those consumers who are from the Asian region, and they seek the Asian products specifically the food related products in the market, this population contributes a great part of the country population, and after that to focus over the consumers who want and to develop the taste related to Asian food products.

1 B.

During the simulation, although all the time strategy was focused to penetrate in the market, and reach to maximum number of customers in order to achieve a large number of customers base, and provide them the business image as the leading food products distributor, along with the excellence and guarantee or hygiene products, during the simulation I believe the strategy was slightly diverted to the profit orientation, and I believe this is practical too. As not all the time businesses focus over the quality only, they have to consider profitability as an essential factor as well.

2. A.

The single and most important strength which I significantly believe that new management can take as an advantage is related to the business strong developed reputation in the market, as the business is able to provide pure and actual food stuff in the market, and there is no negative feedback yet received which could impact the business reputation. Hence the new management can take this positive image reputation, and can use to launch the business campaign with the great force, that the business is able to provide fresh, hygienic and organic food products, and as there is a big satisfied customers base, they will be more attracted and will also refer to their circle, hence all will conclude to increase in the sales and profitability.


One weakness which I believe the business is having shortage of funding to expand the operations which includes the sales outlets, and the complete supply chain model, this is the considerable disadvantage as if the business intends to grow, the business has to increase the presence in the different parts of the country.


The four 4 P’s / the marketing mix of the business has been analyzed, which is related to business Product, Place, Price and Promotion. As we look into the Yw Inc., these four business dimensions, I can see the business has excellent product, which is very limited and unique in the market, hence it is having very limited competition, more over the placement of the product is geographically the best and most competitive edge, as the US market lack suck products availability, and there is a big consumer number who look for it, the pricing of the products are also reasonable based over the expenses incurred, and the promotion is the aspect of the business which it has to look over and over again, based over the factor that the business has to expand in the market.


The area of marketing which I believe the business should have more focus is the organic production, and see if the consumer market responds to the high trends, as this is the new emerging market, and business should divert focus based over the business strategy to look into this market segment.


The learning opportunities for me in this simulation was to understand the business outlook, how the business is evaluated in terms of the market valuation and the market responses, moreover I had opportunity to evaluate the business marketing strategies, which can assist me in evaluation of any marketing strategy in real life, making me easy to understand the business marketing needs and how to address them.