Please be advised that classmate response will me added at a later in the week. The Mayo Clinic has been rated one of the most social media friendly hospitals by multiple sources including the Adviso

7/26/2020 Advisory Board 1/3 Evolv e your C ovid- 19 r espons e The road ahe ad remains long and the demands acut e, fr om ensuring continued clinic al preparedne ss t o e volving s ervic e line s trat egy , to communic ating effectiv ely with p atients and c aring for your w orkforce .

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R acism is a he alth care is sue Comb atting the s tructural racism that cr eat es r eal and dr amatic he alth inequities will require a br oad-b ased t eam e ffort . W e’ve c ollect ed re sour ce s t o help y ou start making a diff erenc e in y our communit y.

A cce ss them no w.

Lis ten t o our podc ast In e ach 2 0 minut e episode of our podc ast for he alth c are le ader s, ho st R achel W oods talk s with indus try e xpert s to br eak do wn an is sue that you ar e (or should be ) thinking about , and offer s thought s on what y ou Quick Search 7/26/2020 Advisory Board 2/3 can do this w eek. Find us on us on Apple , Google , Spotify or your fa vorit e podc ast app . Stay in the kno w : Read the D aily Briefing for t oda y's he alth c are he adline s and our blog s for quick e xpert takes. Be st pr actic es in action Making he alth care bett er isn’ t just our job . It's our p assion. K eep reading f or rec ent highlight s.

O nly y ou can help c onfront the opioid epidemic As opioid abus e and addiction c ontinue to spread acr oss the c ountr y, ur genc y gr ow s f or he alth c are le ader s to r espond. U se our inf ographic t o learn ho w. Learn mor e. Ho w Hurle y Medic al Center is tackling f ood 7/26/2020 Advisory Board 3/3 © 2020 A dvis ory B oar d. All right s reser ved.

P riv acy P olic y Leg al Dis claimer Terms o f Use ins ecurit y to impr ove c ommunit y health Check out our c ase s tudy t o learn ho w one or ganiz ation is providing ac ce ss t o s afe and nutritious f ood for bett er health outcome s. L earn mor e.