Please be advised that classmate response will me added at a later in the week. The Mayo Clinic has been rated one of the most social media friendly hospitals by multiple sources including the Adviso

7/26/2020 America's most social media-savvy hospitals | The Advisory Board Daily Briefing 1/3 Toda y's Daily Briefing Vie w the Ar chives P rint T oday's St ories Americ a's most s ocial media-s avvy ho spit als Ranking s examined ho spital activit y across s even platf orms 8:38 AM - August 12, 2 013 Ma yo Clinic is the mo st s ophis ticated ho spital on T witter and Y ouTube, but Cleveland Clinic has the be st pr esenc e on F acebook, accor ding t o MHA D egree.or g's lis t of the " Top 50 Mo st S ocial Media F riendly Hospitals f or 2013 ." Ho w the ho spitals w ere r ank ed To as se ss ho spitals' s ocial media us e, MHA D egree.or g— which adv ocates f or he alth adminis tration pr ofe ssionals—g athered social media s tatis tics for all o f the ho spitals lis ted as "Nationally R anked" in at le ast one adult specialt y by U.S . Ne ws & W orld Report . The y then s cor ed e ach f acility's pr esenc e acr oss s even s ocial media platf orms based on the number o f follo wer s and the amount of activit y.

The highe st po ssible cumulativ e social media s cor e w as 1 00, with 21 point s for F acebook, 1 7 for T witter, 18 f or YouTube, 18 f or LinkedIn, 12 f or Google Plus , eight for Pinterest, and six f or Flickr. How did y our hospital do? The full lis t of the 'S ocial Media F riendly Hospitals' The t op fiv e hospitals f or social media w ere: Quick Search 7/26/2020 America's most social media-savvy hospitals | The Advisory Board Daily Briefing 2/3 Daily Briefing B e 'friends' with p atients?

Physicians gr apple with social media 1. Ma yo Clinic (R oche ster , Minn.). Ma yo had an o ver all s cor e o f 96 .1. It claimed the t op ranking s for Twitt er , YouT ube , Google Plus , and Pint erest . 2. Cle veland Clinic . It had an o ver all s cor e o f 93.5 . Cle veland Clinic claimed the t op ranking s for F acebook and Link edIn. 3. Univ ersit y o f Texas M.D . Ander son Canc er Center (Hous ton). It had an o ver all s cor e o f 93. 4 . Mount Sinai Medic al Center (Ne w York Cit y). It had an o ver all s cor e o f 88 . 5. Univ ersit y o f Michig an Hospitals and He alth Centers (Ann Arbor , Mich.). It had an o ver all s cor e o f 86 .7 . The mo st popular T witter ac count —Ma yo' s—had 56 7,998 f ollower s and had po sted 11,39 2 tweet s. Me anwhile , the mo st popular F ac ebook ac count —Cle veland Clinic' s—had 508,0 31 "lik es," 35 ,304 " talking about s," and 66 ,64 8 "w ere her es" ( MHA D egree.or g , 7/22).

TOPIC S IT , Mark eting , Online Str ategy Ne xt in the D aily Briefing One s tat e dela ys k ey A CA pr ovision. W ill more follo w? Read no w 7/26/2020 America's most social media-savvy hospitals | The Advisory Board Daily Briefing 3/3 © 2020 A dvis ory B oar d. All right s reser ved.

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