Single Research Design Glossary Entry Instructions Overview The candidate will complete the research design glossary template for Quantitative, Single-Subject and Qualitative methodologies. The temp

EDSP 725

Research Design Glossary Entry Instructions


The candidate will complete the research design glossary template for Quantitative, Single-Subject and Qualitative methodologies. The template will include definitions, purpose, characteristics, quality indicators, strengths, weaknesses, and critical issues. (MLO: A, B, D)


Research Design Glossary Entry Instructions

Research Design Glossary Entry Rubric

Research Design Glossary Entry Template


Each section of the template should incorporate at least one citation per section from a scholarly journal and a word count for each section when requested. Word requirements are as follows: Part 1: 50-word minimum, Part 2: No requirement; Part 3: 100-word minimum; and Part 4: 150-word minimum. If a question or section on the template does not have a word count listed within the questions, it does not have a word requirement. References in current APA should be included in the designated area at the end of your template. All highlighted material should be removed before submission of the template.

Submit your glossary entry by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned module: week.