1. Chapter 1 covered psychological research and the different methods one can use. Please explain the following and give me an example of each: case study, survey and naturalistic observation. 2. Chap


Student Portfolio Arianna Perez University of the Potomac June 21st 2020


There are many things in life that you are not taught at school, for example time management, and how to manage finances. This is a skill that you will adapt to over time, with experience. SQRRRR is another thing that is rarely talked about, but with time it is learned.

Student Portfolio

Managing time is a very important factor in life, it's almost like a life needed skill. This skill will help you go day by day with little to no stress.

Time management logs

One step I use to manage my time is by making a daily to-do list. I make a list of things I need to do the next day, the night prior. Doing this allows me to plan out how my day will go. This also helps me stay on track without falling behind. Another way I control my time is by setting alarms daily. For example I set an alarm to wake up and I also set an alarm to remind me to take my medications. By doing this I can start off my day at a good time and I wont forget to take my meds. My way of managing time is by setting deadlines for myself. For example, if something is due on Friday I'll make a deadline for myself to have it done on Thursday, that way I'll have about a day's leeway in case I run into an error. I also just tell myself, If i procrastinate it's only going to cause myself more work at the end, which is something I don't want. Those are the two ways I manage time.

Learning styles assessment

The four learning styles are, auditory, visual, reading and writing, and kinesthetic. An auditory learner tends to learn best when they hear the information vocally given to them. Visual learners learn best when they see the information that they need to learn. Reading and writing learners need both, for example, a PowerPoint for them to read and a handout so they can write important information on to help them understand. I am a Kinesthetic learner. Kinesthetic learners are hands-on learners. I learn best when I touch and feel what it is i'm learning about. I can't learn how to cook by listening to an audio telling me how. I need to actually do the job in order to learn. With this course there's not much off hands on that needs to be done. I learned plenty throughout this course without having the need to have a hands on experience. I will continue taking notes as needed. Allowing me to better prepare, learn, and study for assignments and tests.


The reading system of choice is to record. When I am being taught something I like to record it that way later on in the day I can go back and write notes from what I have recorded. This also allows me to not forget what was said as I can go back and refer to the recordings at any time. I memorize my study material using this method and it works well for me. A thesis statement can be a little challenging but overall with some thought it's not too difficult. I personally struggle with thinking of a perfect thesis statement.


In life so far I believe that I have shown a lot of personal growth as well as commitment. I am very committed to finish any and everything I start. I have joined the ARMY, graduated college and here I am again back in school. I like to take advantage of a lot of opportunities that life may throw my way. When I found out the Army would help pay for college I was then sold on the idea of enrolling back into college for cyber security. Annual salary is one of the first things I looked at when I decided to choose this career path.


I believe that I can live without technology. Before technology people still had a means to get things done. Task may have taken a while to be completed but they were completed eventually. Technology has simply made it easier for things to get done and in many cases it will cut down on the time and effort required to get the job. Realistically speaking, I would not be able to live without a phone. I don't need the phone for social media, but mainly for safety.

Decision making

When I was a senior in high school I never really imagined myself going to college, yet alone graduating. Since then, I have joined the Army, graduated college, moved to Florida and here I am again back in school. I truly believe I have made the right decision for my future. The Army alone has opened the doors for many opportunities.

Diversity and prejudice

I think one way we can reduce prejudice is by traveling to different countries, where the lifestyle is completely different from ours. This will help us kind of understand a little bit about the customs, values, and food they all share in that country. In any kind of work place I believe there should be a wide variety of diversity. To me that will always make the business better. It is always different people of all different views to come together and provide excellent service.


All in all, everyone's outlook on life is different, but there are some skills we must adapt to. managing time is one of the most important. The decisions you decide to make today will impact your life forever.References

4 Different Learning Styles You Should Know: The VARK Model. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://educationonline.ku.edu/community/4-different-learning-styles-to-know