WK9 SOCW 6361 Project: Part 4: Identification of a Policy Alternative As an astute social worker and professional policy advocate, once you have selected and identified a social problem, you begin the

Social problem

SummerLove Holcomb

SOCW 6361

Instructor: Terri Lewinson


The world today has faced social problems that have been influencing many citizens in a society in the way they respond. The people in the society have often avoided or treated the victims of the social problems differently and in a negative perception that withholds opportunities in community participation and other sectors. Disability is one of the common issues that have been rampant in society before and today. Society has been viewing people with disabilities as people faced with incapability to perform and undertake tasks in the community. The group is instead offered fewer opportunities for growth and self-revelation, which is incongruent with social work values. Social work demands that all people be treated with competence as in social work, continuous interventions are sought to increase professional knowledge and skills for putting them in practice. Social work values do not subject to discrimination based on physical abilities. Disability is incongruent with dignity and worth value for human life and social relationship. The disability issue among the victims has made it difficult for people to create time and space that help in building relationships.

The history of disability indicates that they were mistreated. In the past, they were locked away or institutionalized, and they were Denis the opportunity to interact with other individuals in society. The concern was addressed through the creation of centers that catered for people with disabilities, such as The Mental Retardation facilities that increased care for the disabled (Warden, 2019). Rise of the rights for disabled was brought to life by the disability rights movement that addressed the issue with disability discrimination.

The concern for the groups affected by this concern changed over time with the increase of awareness. In the past, the people were discarded and separated from the community in activities and participation. This transitioned to more care being sought for the groups using movements that supported the disabled. The groups did not have much power to raise concerns about the necessary rights the people with disabilities had that ought to be respected. In the world today, this has changed as the disabled now have opportunities to assume leadership slots, head, or be members of committees in governments and rights have been put down in the Constitution that has empowered the disabled in the community (Hammond, 2019). They are often treated like other human beings on preference and on the activities they play in the betterment of society.

The policy area related to this issue is the social welfare policy. Social welfare refers to the rules and regulations that are implemented to enhance the lives of all individuals living in society. It involves programs such as healthcare services, empowerment, unemployment insurance, and housing, among others, to promote security and improved living standards for everyone. Individuals with disabilities are less likely to be in employment than the population at large. Therefore, several social welfares support disabled people in many ways, such as helping those that cannot work due to their disability.

Social welfare policy is identified by the United States of America and world health organization, where several social programs are offered under this policy as well as acts that promote legal agencies and implementation. They are designed in a way that they meet the basic needs of all people, especially the needy. Federal and state welfare also identify it as they assist in providing housing services, food, and assistance in essential services like subsidies. This policy is enhanced by the understanding that disables individuals need to recognize that they exist as people and social beings capable of and have the same potential as others.

The different aspects of the social welfare policy include the social security and well-being of people. Other essential areas are reducing poverty, justice, health, and unemployment insurance, and others. It is mainly focused on solving social problems evident in society and promotes equal access to opportunities. It maintains the different fundamental rights for the disabled and secures their opportunities in equal participation in a non-discriminatory way in society, hence promoting independence and development. Under social security, it protects the rights of people with disabilities of all ages by providing them with underlying income security and an adequate living standard. It has measures that aim to enhance the well-being of these people and reduce discrimination.

Religious groups and people and non-tariff profit organizations support the current policy that has been in place years ago to mitigate the social problem. Social welfare policy was enacted during the period when the parliament of England implemented the Elizabethan poor rule of 1601. From here, it evolves until now, and its evolution was determined during the great depression. The rights of the disabled people originated from Boston and were advocated. The party that opposes this policy is the socialists who criticize it very much (Andrews et al., 2019). This is because it contradicts with their aim of changing capitalism with a socialist economic system.

Social welfare policy has changed in the modern world as a result of the increase in social costs and taxes that impose options threats. Therefore, its responsibilities were minimized, causing transformations to the welfare state. The civil society, international and supranational companies are the ones that determine it rather than the traditional means used to define it. Only the needy people are the ones that receive these services, and subsidies and other essential services are provided to the ones needed them most. The amount a family could receive is limited to encourage employment and create a balance among the working poor and welfare families.

The policy affects the clients in the clinical setting by improving the quality of treatment. The disabled in a clinical setting might portray improved response to care that would be seen through the improvement of their abilities, both mental and physical states. These outcomes can be related to the parties being treated with dignity and offering the opportunity to be independent (Jansson, 2018). As a clinical social worker, it would be essential to advocate for change so that the disabled get health care services as the rest of the people without discrimination.


Andrews, E. E., Forber-Pratt, A. J., Mona, L. R., Lund, E. M., Pilarski, C. R., & Balter, R. (2019). # SaytheWord: A disability culture commentary on the erasure of “disability”. Rehabilitation psychology. Retrieved fromhttps://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Frep0000258

Hammond, A. (2019). The mainstreaming of disability swimming in Australia, 1990-2016. Sporting Traditions36(1), 43. Retrieved from https://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=449563402363178;res=IELHSS

Jansson, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice. (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series. Retrieved from https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=QwkMIm5-nIYC&oi=fnd&pg=PR3&dq=ansson,+B.+S.+(2018).+Becoming+an+effective+policy+advocate:+From+policy+practice+to+social+justice&ots=m7dlyN-fBQ&sig=f--RLxKaywkhPLBTBuA4wR-vjQo

Warden, K. (2019). Disabling barriers: social movements, disability, history and the law. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09687599.2018.1547500
