Overview: It is important for you as a healthcare provider to advocate for populations through policy. Assessing the needs of a vulnerable population and identifying the policies affecting them to ens

IHP 501 Final Project Two Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Policy Introduction and Evaluation Overview: It is important for you as a healthcare provider to advocate for populations through policy. Assessing the n eeds of a vulnerable population and identifying the policies affecting them to ensure positive outcomes is part of the advocacy process. Understanding U .S. health policy is a crucial component of developing a global perspective. A global perspective also requires consider ing the Millennium Development G oals in relation to U .S. policy; this allows advocates and decision makers to clarify the direction necessary to ensure health globally. Prompt: After reviewing the Final Project Two Guidelines and Rubric d ocument, develop a paper summarizing the policy approved for your project, and analyze the effectiveness of the policy. In addition to your research, incorporate the information gathered during you r interview to provide additional support for your policy assessment. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction A. Summarize the policy that is the focus of your evaluation. Include in your summary the purpose of the poli cy, its scope and main points, its stakeholders and constituents, and its relation to other policies (if applicable). B. Explain the development of the policy, considering policy makers and their political standing, timelines, and budget restrictions. C. Explain your rationale for choosing the policy, u sing your research as support for your choice. II. Evaluation A. Determine the policy’s strengths and weaknesses in its ability to provide positive and/or negative change for its target population. Support your response with examples. B. Assess the extent to which the policy meets the needs of its target population, using data to support your claims. C. Explain any unintended impacts as a result of the policy. Consider populations, economics, and social or cultural fact ors in your response. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be submitted as a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12 -point Times New Roman font, one -inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format. Critical Elements Proficient (100% ) Needs Improvement (75% ) Not Evident (0% ) Value Introduction: Policy Summarizes the policy that is the foc us of the evaluation, including the purpose of the policy, its scope and main points, its stakeholders and constituents, and its relation to other policies (if applicable) Summarizes the policy that is the foc us of the evaluation, including the purpose of the policy, its scope and main points, its stakeholders and constituents, and its relation to other policies (if applicable), but summary is missing key elements, is cursory, or contains inaccuracies Does not summarize the policy that is the focus of the evaluation 10 Introduction: Development Explains the development of the policy, considering policy makers and their political standing, timelines, and budget restrictions Explains the development of the policy, considering policy makers and their political standing, timelines, and budg et restrictions, but explanation is missing key elements, is cursory, or contains inaccuracies Does not explain the development of the policy 10 Introduction: Rationale Explains the rationale for choosing the policy, using research as support for the choice Explains the rationale for choosing the policy, but explanation is cursory, illogical, or unsupported or contains inaccuracies Does not explain the rationale for choosing the policy 10 Evaluation: Strengths and Weaknesses Determines the policy’s st rengths and weaknesses in its ability to provide positive and/or negative change for its target population, supported with examples Determines the policy’s strengths and weaknesses in its ability to provide positive and/or negative change for its target po pulation, but determ ination is cursory, illogical, or unsupported or contains inaccuracies Does not determine the policy’s strengths and weaknesses in its ability to provide positive and/or negative change for its target population 20 Evaluation: Needs Assesses the extent to which the policy meets the needs of its target population, using data to support claims Assesses the extent to which the policy meets the needs of the target population, but assessment is illogical, contains inaccuracies, or uses ins ufficient data to support claims Does not assess the extent to which the policy meets the identified needs of its target population 20 Evaluation: Unintended Impacts Explains any unintended impacts as a result of the policy, considering populations, economics, and social or cultural factors Explains any unintended impacts as a result of the policy, but explanation is cursory, illogical, or incomplete or contains inaccuracies Does not explain any unintended impacts as a result of the policy 20 Articu lation of Response Submission has no major errors related to APA citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to APA citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to APA citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Total 100%