In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:  Assess the impact of economic, social, and cultural factors on communities and healthcare organizations in the


Health Issues in the United Kingdom

Luz Rodriguez

Southern New Hampshire University

Health Issues in the United Kingdom

Health Issue 1: Mental Health

Public Health England (2020) identifies mental health as a major issue in the United Kingdom. For every four people in the country, one of them experiences a mental health issue annually (Mind, 2020). Common diagnoses include depression, anxiety, depression, phobias, and PTSD, among others. This is a significant issue because of the adverse effects of mental problems on people’s well being. A mental health problem can affect one’s quality of life and result in self-harm and suicidal thoughts.

The population impacted the most by this health issue comprises of marginalized communities. For instance, LGBTQ individuals are three times more likely to have a mental health issue compared to heterosexuals. 26 percent of young women between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four also show a high prevalence for mental problems (Mind, 2020). Additionally, 40 percent of UK citizens characterized by substance abuse, homelessness, and delinquency tend to have mental health issues (Mind, 2020). Marginalization is the major reason behind the woes of such populations.

There are certain social and cultural factors tied to this issue, which affect the vulnerable populations. On the one hand, there is the clinician’s culture. In the US, most clinicians are grounded on Western medicine. Therefore, they perceive mental health seriously and use evidence-based practices to deal with relevant patient. On the other hand, the cultures of the patients are diverse. For instance, there is the issue of stigma, which leads groups such as Asians towards hiding their mental health issue (“US Department of Health and Human Services, 2001”). Also, conservative cultures often result in mental health patients hiding their conditions to avoid backlash from society. There are certain economic factors tied to this issue, which affect the vulnerable populations. For instance, unemployment can result in depression and loss of hope in life. Also, the recession and uncertain economic environment in the country often leads to uncertainty about the future. This uncertainty propagates mental health problems in many individuals

The current actions being taken to address this issue are ingrained in the 2012 “Health and Social Care Act.” This Act defines how the NHS should diagnose and treat mental health problems (Parkin, 2020). Additionally, the 2015 Government’s Mandate asserts that NHS must work to ensure mental health is given the same seriousness as physical health. In this regard, the NHS established the “Five Year Forward View,” which is an initiative that facilitates parity of esteem and effective response to mental health problems (Parkin, 2020). Major stakeholders involved in this issue include healthcare providers, government regulators, and mental health patients and their families.

A recommended intervention that can help address this issue can cover two major areas. First, steps should be taken to enhance people’s quality of life. This covers things like improved housing nutrition, economic security, and access to education. The stress that comes with the lack of these elements will be reduced leading to less mental health issues. Second, there is the enhancement of resilience and reduction of stressors. This covers things like the reduction of child abuse, handling of family disruptions, and identifying risk behaviors.

Health Issue 2: Alcoholism

Public Health England (2020) identifies alcoholism as a major issue in the United Kingdom. 24 percent of adults in the country are regular drinks and consume more than the recommended amount of alcohol intake (Alcohol Change UK, 2020). This is a significant issue because of the adverse effects of alcohol abuse such as health deterioration and death. The population impacted the most by this health issue is made up of men. Men have a higher likelihood of abusing alcohol compared to women. These me come from diverse backgrounds and have different reasons for drinking. However, the major reason is to cope with depression.

There are certain social and cultural factors tied to this issue, which affect the vulnerable populations. For instance, there are cultural norms whereby; communities originating from Africa and South America show more conservative perception toward drinking compared to their white counterparts (Sudhinaraset, Wigglesworth, & Takeuchi, 2016). Also, there is the aspect of peer pressure where most individuals commence drinking to fit in with their social circles. There are certain economic factors tied to this issue, which affect the vulnerable populations. For instance, alcohol consumption supports brewers and their employees. However, many consumers go into economic turmoil for overspending on alcohol.

The current actions being taken to address this issue are varied. The country has no national strategy to handle alcoholism. Nevertheless, the “Modern Crime Prevention Strategy of 2016” outlines the solutions for alcohol-related objectives. Additionally, there is government strategy that works to minimize the culture of binge drinking. Major stakeholders involved in this issue include the government, alcohol brewers, the alcoholics, and the healthcare facilities. A recommended intervention that can help address this issue is to extensively educate and sensitize people on the negative effects of alcohol. More so, people who take alcohol to handle depression can be rigorously educated so that they seek better ways of handling their problems.

Health Issue 3: Air Pollution

Public Health England (2020) identifies air pollution as a major issue in the United Kingdom. It is the most lethal environmental threat to the citizens’ health and accounts for up to 36000 deaths annually (Public Health England, 2020). This is a significant issue because air pollution results in problems such as lung cancer, coronary heart disease, and various respiratory diseases. The population impacted the most by this health issue is made up of elderly individuals, young children with respiratory problems, and minority groups living in areas close to air pollutants.

There are certain social and cultural factors tied to this issue, which affect the vulnerable populations. For instance, social elements like psychosocial stress can affect the way one responds to pollution of air (Bickerstaff, 2004). Also, living in neighborhoods that are reserved for low-income individuals is likely to place one under greater risk of suffering from air pollution since such areas are normally located in undesirable territories near factories or roads. There are certain economic factors tied to this issue, which affect the vulnerable populations. The major one is that most individuals work for factories that pollute the air. They sacrifice their health to get an income since they have on alternative.

The current actions being taken to address this issue by the government are grounded on the 1995 Environment Act. This Act outlines how local authorities should assess the air quality in their jurisdictions and outline the relevant areas that need to be improved on. Major stakeholders involved in this issue include the government, industries that contribute to air pollution, and the healthcare facilities. A recommended intervention that can help address this issue can include several solutions. For instance, there should be the promotion of clean public transport and use of electric cars. Also, factories can be pushed to adopt the utilization of green energy. This way, there will be less air pollution.


Alcohol Change UK. (2020). Alcohol statistics. Retrieved from

Bickerstaff, K. (2004). Risk perception research: socio-cultural perspectives on the public experience of air pollution. Environment International, 30(6), 827-840.

Mind. (2020). Mental health facts and statistics. Retrieved from

Parkin, E. (2020). Mental health policy in England. Retrieved from

Public Health England. (2020). Health matters: Public health issues. Retrieved from

Sudhinaraset, M., Wigglesworth, C., & Takeuchi, D. T. (2016). Social and cultural contexts of alcohol use: Influences in a social–ecological framework. Alcohol Res. 38(1): 35–45.

US Department of Health and Human Services. (2001). Chapter 2: Culture counts: The influence of culture and society on mental health. Retrieved from