Imagine that, for about a year, your nursing unit has been involved in an intensive campaign to improve patient satisfaction scores with pain management. You are getting good data from your patients,

Strategies and Interventions 1/14/2014 Training on the importance of patient satisfaction monitoring 4/1/2014 Lecture on pain and pain management 6/12/2014 Use of comprehensive pain assessment tool reviewed in an ISE 8/2/2014 Journal club on R5N reviewed an article on pain management 10/10/2014 EMR data on pain assessment reviewed in QI team 1/15/2015 Data on pain management satisfaction posted on unit 3/1/2015 EMR data on pain medication effectiveness reviewed in QI team 5/15/2015 QI team meets with staff to strategize; determined to use IHI rapid cycle improvement model with iterative PDSA 6/30/2015 Annual pain lecture: emphasis on the elderly use of NSAIDS, pain manag ement, & polypharmacy 7/15/2015 EMR data on pain medication effective ness documentation shows improvement for one month 8/30/2015 ISE on the importance of patient teaching on pain management 9/1/2015 ISE on attitudes toward addiction in the elderly (poorly attended by staff) 9/30/2015 Data on comprehensive pain assess, d oc of pain meds and patient satisfaction, compiled in run charts for the unit 10/15/2015 ISE on attitudes offered with ANCC contact hours; 100% attendance on unit 12/28/2015 QI team summarizes strategies, progress at year end with unit nursing staff 1/22/2016 Data on compreh ensive pain assessment, doc pain meds effective shows improvement on these 3/1/2016 Nursing unit claims victory on improved patient satisfaction with pain management