Advanced Graphs in R-Studio.Discuss the importance of regularexpressions in data analytics. Also, discuss the differences between the types of regular expressions. Choosetwo types of regular express

Discussion 1 – Response 1

I agree with your point that, realizing the IT value highly depends on time factor. I would like to add more to this point on how to boost IT Value. Any organization in order to develop and deliver the IT value has to clarify on the time to get adapted to technology also, it must be in agreement to that. The organization also needs to be aware of that investments which are paid off slowly and once it addresses the complexities involved in the increase of usage, it would be further effective.

The results would be seen at the end once all the above is accomplished at the right time.

Discussion 1 – Response 2

Hi , Adding to your point , IT value is a prejudiced assessment which has the value and is tied to the business model of an organization. IT adds value by enhancing business to perform even better. It depends upon the business and how its directors see it individually. Also, it is characterized differently by different firms and executives. Some companies measure the IT value from same processes but within different parts of the firm. It is also defined by return on investment (ROI) and a composite of what key performance indicators contribute.

Hi, I would definitely agree with you . Also, in my opinion, IT Value is a capital concept and can be defined in strategic positioning, productivity boost, enhanced decision making, cost cuttings, and better service.

Also there is no standard of IT value measure, it results in several confusions among IT , business and also amongst other business managers for whom IT value hasn’t been delivered. Hence, to sum up , everyone associated with an IT initiative must agree and accept on what value they deliver or attempt to deliver and identify it. (McKeen & Smith, 2015) 


(McKeen & Smith, 2015) IT strategy: Issues and practices. Pearson Higher Ed.

Discussion 2 – Response 1

Your explanation on the principles for delivering value is absolutely incredible. I have noted that IT value is an abstract point whose portrayal depends on how the association that sees it. I would further like to emphasize on that the first principle, Defined process in delivering value which is that of a management process (Sheffi, 2012). In this case, the policy guides on how values and products have to be used and find a way to track them.

Thank you.


Sheffi, Y. (2012). Logistics clusters: delivering value and driving growth. MIT press.

Discussion 2 – Response 2

Your explanation on the principles for delivering value is absolutely incredible. The first and foremost principle is that a clear and well defined portfolio value management process will help boost IT Value.

I think the most crucial principle is to have a management process portfolio that is well defined. A good portfolio is the key to success for accomplishing anything. This principle ensures that plans are tracked while they are developed . Further, it allows the managers utilizing the IT to revisit the portfolio or the decision made and find out if they can be altered (McKeen & Smith, 2015).

Thank you.


(McKeen & Smith, 2015) IT strategy: Issues and practices. Pearson Higher Ed.