Assignment: Mitosis, Meiosis, and Mutation All living organisms are composed of cells. Earlier in the course, you explored cell structure and function. This week, you learn about how cells replace the

Biopsy Lab Report

Updated 5/15/14

Name: ________________________

Date: _________________________

Please use this report form and simply “fill” in your observational data and conclusions.

Purpose: To apply an understanding of cellular division to distinguish between cancerous and noncancerous tissue samples.

Expected Observations (5 points)

Create an explanation of what you expect to observe in the tissue samples based on what you know about the nature of cancer.

Materials and Methods

The materials for this lab are embedded within the Cellular Reproduction Lab located in the week 3 resources section. You must view the acquired mutation section of the lab to reach the virtual microscope and tissue samples. There are four simulation tissue samples; each of which is “stained” so that you can observe the stages of mitosis in the sample cells. Select each sample with your mouse and “drag” it to the virtual microscope in order to observe the cells in each sample.

Results (20 points)

Use the chart below to record your observations of the tissue samples. For each virtual tissue sample, count the number of cells in each stage of mitosis and record your observations below.

Tissue Sample






Sample #1: Normal Tissue

Sample #2: Normal Tissue

Sample #3: Cancer Tissue

Sample #4: Cancer Tissue

Analysis (20 points)

Write an analysis of two or more paragraphs that includes the following:

  • Describe and explain your results in terms of the known properties of cancer.

  • A statement that explains whether you obtained the results you expected, as well as why you did or did not obtain the expected results.

  • Explain how your findings suggest a general approach used to combat cancer.

  • You may need to conduct some independent research for this response.

  • A summary of your observations and the overall knowledge you gained from this lab.

Conclusion (5 points)

Write a conclusion of two or more paragraphs that includes the following:

  • A brief recap of the main points in your analysis.

  • Propose a research question related to the concepts that came up in this lab that you would like to answer in the future.

Biopsy Lab Report - 2

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