Document should use Times New Roman 12-point font, single-spaced (with spacing between sections and/or paragraphs) with margins not exceeding 1-inch. Length of assignment is approximately no less than


Yunaisy Azcuy

Accounting Major

Business Analytics Minor

Raw Materials Self -Assessment


Life can be meaningless to stay without getting to understand yourself. In modern days, people are chasing their dreams day in day out, and very few stops and gets to understand themselves better. Introspection is one of the most powerful techniques that can be used for both professional and personal success. Reflecting and taking inventory of one's inventory of raw materials is the first step of getting us marketable and developing ourselves. It is the start of the establishment of a professional and personal brand. The raw materials may take the form of strengths, potential strengths, bad habits and faults, desires and interests, etcetera. All these raw materials constitute and define our character, be they negative or positive. Soul searching, as some describe it, helps one understand his capabilities and strengths so that they may enrich them. It also points out faults, and bad habits that I not curtailed may put us in abbeys and ruin our destiny both in our personal, professional, or social circles. In this paper, I will be using the etic approach to review my raw materials each after the other. I will also put into context what my close associates from coworkers, family members to friends think about my character. I have used maximum honesty as I understand the importance of the process in making me better and more marketable. 


Raw Materials

  1. Strengths 

These are our built-in capabilities expressed through our feelings, thoughts, and conduct. They relate to the virtues of justice, wisdom, temperance, transcendence, humanity, and courage. Strengths give us an upper hand in our endeavors. In some cases, these strengths may be innate, while in other cases, they may have developed over time out of rigorous training and experiences.

To determine my strengths, I used the VIA character strengths survey and the Richardstep weakness and strengths aptitude test. I also sought the opinions of my partner, friends, family members, supervisor, and work colleagues. I meditated and went ahead to clearly and honestly outline every inquiry as it would happen under such situations. I used all the tools and feedback sources as I needed to dig deep and establish the best angle and correlation among all these sources.

The survey showed me as a critical thinker and a person who likes finding out the relationship among different things and their workings. This means I seem to prefer working projects and enjoying my own space and time. I enjoy manipulative games, mathematical concepts, and puzzles, as they all require connecting different ideas. I also discovered that I was such a kind of person who has a high sense of self, enjoying every bit of time spent alone. This means that I prefer to work on projects alone and internalizing bits of information alone. Also, I do not have any problem interacting with words, be it listening to them, seeing them, or having them said aloud, call me the linguistic type. I like reading and gaining as much information as possible by indulging in books, records, and writing opportunities. Whenever in a social circle like school and the workplace., I engage the friends and families with stories, and everybody seems to like it as my close friend Natasha described me as irresistible. They said that every minute spent with them counts and makes them feel special. This knowledge that keeps stories running must be rooted in my love for books and dramas. The leadership qualities were also mostly repeated by all close contacts and manifested in the VIA test, which includes setting up the agenda and getting people to rally behind that agenda. Below is a pie chart demonstrating these strengths.

Document should use Times New Roman 12-point font, single-spaced (with spacing between sections and/or paragraphs) with margins not exceeding 1-inch. Length of assignment is approximately no less than 1

From the above pie chart, it is evident that I am fair well in diverse things except for the enjoyment of music. I enjoy my own time and space and have high critical thinking capabilities.

It was incredible to learn how much I am I nail it up and what has been giving me a top-notch in my career and personal life. It was a surprise for me as I have never tried to evaluate what stands me out among many of my colleagues. I at least had expected the linguistic part of the strength as I know I love learnings and bits of information. But who may have guessed being irresistible and in disposable among my social circles? I do not do anything to try to entice people to be around me and act naturally as anyone else could have to do. I also did not expect my fellow employees at work and friends to cherish the leadership qualities that much, and I had such a massive influence on them. I was also surprised that the online results were a true reflection of what my partner, friends, and family had to describe me. The analytical capabilities suites my education background as a major in accounting and minor in Business Analytics, which calls for great detail-oriented and able to connect different situations of a firm. It as well conquers with my position as an in-home solution manager, and this is something that my boss was proud of. Now I understand the motive why I had to move into this side of my career. I was surprised to get to score highly in body movement as I consider myself totally as a non-sports person. 

  1. Potential strengths

These are anything one can become good at upon putting in extra efforts, determination, and practice. Many times, people only think that they can become better by minimizing their faults and bad habits and leveraging their strengths. They remain myopic throughout their lives, revolving around the same quality and capability like porcupines. They see things and describe them as either possible or impossible and do not have the gut to question whether the obvious can be improved and impossible achieved. They fail to realize and put some extra efforts needed to awaken the giants in themselves.

I used the Richardstep weaknesses and strengths aptitude test, which showed some things that I never expected. I also sought the opinions of my partner, friends, family members, supervisor, and work colleagues. I as well hibernated to introspect and outline all things I believed I could do better if I could break loose and add albeit of efforts. The reason behind using the Richardstep assessment is because it ranked the abilities according to my current situation. Those that were ranked high but not to the expectations meant that I can transform and add them to my strengths basket then leverage them for my professional and personal success. I also knew my review and online review would not be good enough if those I interact with fail to offer their views, hence their involvement.

One of my potential strength is sporting. I have, for a long time, ignored and totally disinterested in sports. This is not because I have any defects but was merely subjective. The Richardstep assessment showed that I had some sporting characteristics, only that it was not quite developed. My close associates also said I had an athlete's body and wondered why I failed to indulge in sports. Another strength I discovered is in my spatial strengths, which are integral in solving real-world problems and doing exceptionally well in many fields. These characteristics are essential in modern-day technologies, and if I can combine them with logic skills, I can become unstoppable. My colleagues at work, in particular, could not hesitate to say how I need to see how I can leverage those specific skills. Friends and family could not wait to say how they bring to me the problems they consider hard feeling confident that I will decipher them. Another area that stood out is the organization skills, which include being capable of planning and prioritizing activities to meet the desired goal. I also understood that I can be a wonderful, very persuasive, and eloquent public speaker, which is useful in securing both personal and business contacts. 

I learned a lot from this assessment. I was able to discover at it is time I start a workout program for me to indulge in sports. I have already planned to join Zumba classes, where I shall be participating with other players in football and volleyball games as well. This will be an asset to me in the corporate world as my boss highlighted how managers must be all angled leaders. Sports make us experience life to the fullest, keeps us fit and active, to carry out all activities of daily living and work. I also need to continue reading on the different versions of books, working on games, and pursuing hobbies in a bid to awaken my spatial capabilities fully. I also learned that my sleeping organization skills are quite useful, considering my managerial position and need to stimulate them more. This is the part I found the most problem with trying to figure it out; I remained very open to what my close persons and online assessment had to bring up. However, I can say I expected abilities like public speaking since I have always been vibrant, and most of my friends considered it as strengths rather than inherent power. I can honestly say, however, I did not expect the boss to talk about sports though I have these days a huge dawn interest. The two assessment results seemed to correlate significantly.

  1. Bad Habits/ Faults

These are negative patterns of behavior that may severely endanger our prospects and achievement of our dreams. I applied the Richardstep weaknesses and strengths aptitude test and also sought the opinions of my partner, friends, family members, supervisor, and work colleagues. Using the aptitude test and feedback from my associates was able to confirm some of the negativities I saw in myself.

I discovered I had problems with delegating duties and tasks at the beginning of my career. I believed that no one could perform the tasks the way I did, which gave me problems in accepting the tasks done by the employees, and I could spend significant time going through them to find possible errors. This is before I was almost choked with work and started believing in the employees' capabilities. Also, I am sometimes very overconfident with my abilities and look to think I can do anything. While in most of the cases I have succeeded, this may endanger the prospects of the organization. It is a recommendable one to use the data in making decisions rather than intuition. The third fault is that I sometimes have huge expectations over others, which gets me sometimes mad with them. 

The assessment was quite insightful. I learned that people watch me out on every move and have much profile about me. I thought that the evaluation would be challenging, considering that the close associates may not like to tell you the bad things about you. I was surprised to see how eager they were. Having discovered that I had problems delegating, it is time I do it effectively to avoid slipping back to this negative that has not yet gone out of my close associates' heads though I had changed. I also learned that I need to check on my confidence levels as my boss highlighted that I use my analytical field better to come up with evidence-based decisions rather than intuition-based. I also need to become patient with people and acknowledge their diversity and different capabilities, especially at work, to ensure the vast and sometimes irrational expectation does not demoralize my employees, making them quit the company. As per my expectations, I had not anticipated the delegation part of work as I had already thought to have tackled it, only to see some employees highlight it. However, it was an honest exercise, and they were allowed to say anything. I felt guilty to have done analytics, yet the online assessment and the boss were of the view that I widely use intuition. I found not so much to be accurate, as I have always performed due diligence before reaching a decision. I had waited for my work in progress, the trust issue, to be highlighted as a bad trait as I tend to trust people altogether, and sometimes some can only disappoint. I am trying hard on how to give a balanced trust.  

  1. Interest and desires

This section was the easiest to accomplish as I have an excellent feeling for what I need in both my career and personal life. I used the Strengths assignment and invited feedback from my partner, friends, family members, and work colleagues. It looked obvious that they understand my interests and passions as I spend considerable time with them. I have always wondered why colleagues were mostly recommending the strengths assignment test, but surely its questions are friendly and straightforward, yet the results are highly reliable.  

I am a TV and movie lover where I like watching all sorts of documentaries and news to get informed. Bet on the new movie in town with me and prepare your pockets for a shock. My mother and my workmates did not surprise me to tell me they depend on me to know which enjoyable movie they need to watch and which book they need to read. I am also interested in my current courses as I believe they are integral in shaping and smoothening my career path as well as making me shine among my colleagues. One of my greatest desire is to dive into sports and get active. I am mad that I am missing this crucial component of life. I look to enroll in Zumba classes so that I can get to interact with others while working out to reduce workout strain. I also have vast desires to start my own business. This is why I am hellbent into joining a big firm where I can gain more experience needed to run my business. My colleagues described me as a very empathetic individual who likes to dig deeper and understand my associates feeling, choices of actions in the hope of offering a solution. It is in many instances I have surprised them on my abilities to discern what they are going through. 

This assessment did not surprise me as much of what they described is what we have already discussed in informal settings. I learned I am a movie and book person, and this interest tends to connect me with my teammates and family most. I need to continue watching and reading and keep sharing the content to keep them entertained. I expected that everybody would point out the movie and book issues as they knew how I loved them, but I did not think they can constitute caring for others as an interest. It was amazing to find out how passionate I was about these desires and interests. All results were hugely correlated despite the online test differing by the rating only from my friends' views. I believe I am at the right point in time when I am confident about what I enjoy doing and am relentlessly chasing my desires.

  1. Self-personality

I undertook a Big Five Factor Markers personality test and color personality test online, where I honestly answered the questions on my daily routines and reactions to different situations. I also invited feedback from my friends, colleagues, family, and my boss. I chose the online tests as they simulate real-life situations and how I would respond, which helps expand my knowledge of self. The people mentioned above understand me better and have seen how I behave and react to different situations. This helped me to get a broader view of my personality. Below are the results from the online test, which seemed to concur significantly with the feedback provided.

Document should use Times New Roman 12-point font, single-spaced (with spacing between sections and/or paragraphs) with margins not exceeding 1-inch. Length of assignment is approximately no less than 2

The first personality trait discovered is that I am highly outgoing. I am very friendly and likes to interact with people, establish relationship and business networks. I have never had issues with social skills and like starting conversations and giving stories whenever possible. I set precedence for others to follow without any fear and worries, adding to my leadership qualities. I also have a strong work ethic and a sense of duty, which many of my work colleagues and boss said to like. I am, however, albeit flexible and do not have any issues acquiring knowledge and changing for the better. I am also not eager to please and do not like conflicts or competition with anybody. I am direct and honest with myself and also like like-minded persons. In the color test, I scored a high orange test showing my love and hunger for learning different ideas and concepts. It also shows I am confident and open to ideas and eventuality. I maintain a very optimistic stand, which may have motivated my boss to confuse it with ignorance in describing my faults. The other color was blue, which express decency, authenticity, and uniqueness. It also shows am a family person and my responsiveness to people's feelings. 

I was surprised by how outgoing my friends and test described me. I consider myself sometimes like to work alone and only interact when only done with my chores. This was a great plus to learn how well I can blend the two. I also learned that my optimism is highly appreciated by many of my colleagues, which makes them share their experiences with me to show them the way. Though most of the traits like being largely peaceful and friendly, I could expect, I was surprised by the extent to which I was thought to have them. The difference that I noticed with the assessments is that the online tests conflicted on flexibility, with some saying that I am flexible and the other reserved. I, however, consider myself liberal, and I evaluate the situation as it unfolds. I am delighted for the combination that shows a right blend of characteristics. I try to be friendly and understand the people I interact with, including friends, families, and co-workers as much as possible and cannot say I need much change in the personality. Balancing these traits so that none becomes like a weakness is all I will be embarking on. 

  1. Core values

These entail fundamental beliefs that individuals hold dear, which tends to dramatically influence their conduct, helping them to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. I got feedback from my friends, workmates, and family members as we spend much time together and understand everything that I like and loathe. I also used the online personality test, VIA Character Strength Survey, to complement the feedback. 

Loyalty is quality I hold very dear, and everyone who knows me started with this quality. I believe that being true and reliable is the most significant gift you can ever offer to others, be it your spouse, family members, friends, or colleagues. This makes people trust me with even sensitive information and promises from the family level to the community level. Compassion is also dear to me as I believe that everybody be it a day-old child or a century-old adult and regardless of their economic, social, or other situations, deserves better treatment. Many friends confessed to having felt guilty of the excellent treatment and how much I adore them. Also, I take optimism as the best driver in the future. I believe everything has a silver lining and discourage anyone who cannot see goodness but negativities. This is what kept my employees and the people around me motivated. Integrity was also conspicuous across all the friends and colleagues. This must be rooted in childhood, where my parents were very strict with honesty. There is no substitute for truth, despite the outcomes. Maryanne, a good friend of mine, noted that I am the one who had taught her how to always be truthful. She used to lie almost in every instance, and I had heard time discerning her lies and provoking her for living a fake life. She started by always avoiding my presence, but soon I made her reflect on the outcomes of her lies, which had spelled misery in her relationship life. 

I was proud to understand that many of my friends, family, and colleagues would identify what I value most. It is quite motivating that these core values seemed to make wonders in my social and professional endeavors. I expected all the above values from my closet circle as these are our number plates in every drive of life. Everybody interacting with you can read them and interpret them accordingly. I was happy to learn that I had changed many people, including Maryanne. All these descriptions depict the actual values I cherish, and none I considered strange. The only discrepancy between the close circle relations with online assessment was that online also had the visionary value, which no one expressed directly. I also hold accountability with high regard, but it seemed not to appear anywhere.  


Synthesis and summary

This assessment of raw materials has allowed me to stop and look at the things that set me apart. It was indeed very mind breaking and eye-opening to discover and sometimes reaffirm my strengths, potential capabilities, faults, interests, desires, and core values. As I started with my assessments of strength, the steadfast love of critical thinking, and social capabilities, among others, it was terrific to discover things I may not have had time to think about myself. I also got to find out how these strengths were hugely connected with desires, interests, personality, and core values. I also got time to see how both the good and the bad resources had influenced all aspects of my life without my knowledge. This made me commit to keeping discovering and assessing myself as without this, and it would look like an automobile without a driver. The six resources offer great insight into what I should do to achieve my goal of joining a big company and becoming a successful business proprietor in the future.  

I can now confidently start to work on becoming a sports lady as I believe no human is limited, as well as utilizing the organizations' skills even to perfect my work and effectively achieve my goals. I also look forward to enhancing a trustful work and social environment, which will add to my compassionate, loyal, and empathetic elements. I cannot wait to uphold my core values that seemed quite miraculous in guiding me into the correct path and helping me bind well with those I value most. I can now claim from this assessment; I got what it takes to build a strong and marketable brand of myself ready to steer me into my personal and professional endeavors effectively.   


Raw Materials


  • A critical and logical thinker and a person who likes finding out the relationship among different things and their workings.

  • It has a high sense of self, enjoying every bit of time spent alone but at the same time, very friendly and social.

  • I love learnings and bits of information, call me the linguistic type.

Potential strengths

  • Sporting

  • Spatial strengths

  • Organization skills

  • Wonderful, very persuasive and eloquent public speaker

Bad Habits

  • I had problems with delegating duties and tasks at the beginning of my career.

  • Sometimes very overconfident with my capabilities

  • Huge expectations over others

Interests and desires

  • Watching TV and movie

  • Understanding my associates feeling, choices of actions in the hope of offering a solution

  • Career development

  • Sports

  • Starting my own business


  • Highly outgoing

  • Strong work ethic

  • Not eager to please and do not like conflicts or competition with anybody

  • Direct and honest

  • Confident and open for ideas and eventuality

  • Family person

Core Values

  • Loyalty

  • Compassion

  • Optimism

  • Truthful

  • Accountability