Please follow the directions of the assignment, and only write what is relevant to the project. Also, please make sure your writing makes sense, it was hard to follow some of the student's assignment.

Treatment Plan with Measurable Goals

Family Name:

Denise Norris

Maya Norris

Chanelle Norris

Robert Norris

Summary of Reason for Referral:

The family needs human services due to family issues. The children are not well fed, have poor hygiene, not mentally stable due to the lack of basic needs. The family has never had a stable and permanent resident and has relocated several times. The family needs help with basic needs so that the children can receive nutritionist foods to help with growth and to thrive mentally and physically. The mother is depressed and is lashing out at her children; she does not have a job that pays sufficient income to pay household expenses and to buy food for her children. The mother is seeking help and thinks that seeing a therapist is best for her family.


The mother needs help with depression; she has little income and cannot provide a stable home for her children. She has little food to feed her children and has begun to lash out at them. The children are misbehaving in school, their academics are low, and they are not social with their peers. 

Long-Term Goal:

Securing the family with a permanent, stable home, sufficient income, healthy needs, and seeking a therapist for depression and behavior problems.

Short-Term Goals/Objectives

Projected Date of Completion

Completion Date


Help the family to recognize what triggers negative feelings and help them to cope with it.

The mother states she will keep track and keep a journal of different strategies that she will use to help her deal with anger and depression. I suggest that she uses strategies such as taking a walk, while children are under safe supervision and taking deep breaths before dealing with them. Calling a hotline and speaking to someone that will help her get through her anger, prayer, and meditation. The children are required to see a therapist

Help the family to recognize what triggers negative feelings and help them to cope with it.

The mother states she will keep track and keep a journal of different strategies that she will use to help her deal with anger and depression. I suggest that she uses strategies such as taking a walk, while children are under safe supervision and taking deep breaths before dealing with them. Calling a hotline and speaking to someone will help her get through her anger, prayer, and meditation. The children are required to see a therapist twice a week for two weeks. In the session, I will work with the children on steps that will help them build their confidence as with working with the mother to enroll them in after-school activities and other age-appropriate fun activities so that they can build social skills.

Explore and resolve issues related to providing food and medical coverage to the Norris family

Have the family sign up for programs that will be beneficial to the family that will provide medical coverage to the family.

July 20, 2020

July 20, 2020


I will work with agencies to find the family a temporary shelter until a permanent home can be established. Denise is looking daily for an affordable home, and she would like to be in a home by July 24. I will place Denise in a job placement program that will her find a better paying job.

Denise says she will find a job by July 24. I will help Denice sign up with programs that will help her with income, such as the AFDC program, SNAP program, and the Medicaid program that will provide the family with food, income, and medical coverage. I will assist Denise in signing up for the section 8 program to provide Denise and her children with

affordable housing. 

Studies have shown that

stability and well-fed children concentrate and perform significantly better (Shankar, Chung & Frank, 2017).

July 21, 2020

July 22, 2020


The family is required to attend all scheduled

appointments with a therapist as required. At these sessions, the mother will report her feelings, whether positive or negative, note and keep track of daily activities shared as a family daily. As part of the session, the mother must discuss any major decisions made and discuss them with the therapist. The mother stated that she would continue seeing the therapist and being compliant with the rules of the program, and she will continue to follow her teachings on how to deal with anger. I would work with the children and the administrators to help implement a plan to help the children get back on the right track by having the mother sign a school probation contract for school conduct, academics, and attendance for one month.

The mother will be contacted a month later for a follow up once the therapist session is completed.


July 23, 2020

July 24. 2020