Choose a company or organization that you are going to analyze through the rest of the course. Open up the Word document template available in the attached and complete the introduction, introduce the

Company Introduction: follow the instructions.

Assessment of Organizational Culture

On a scale of 1 to 5, rate the organization on the chart below. Then write 3-4 paragraphs analyzing how you think the organizational culture is working for the business. Make sure to support your analysis with research from at least 2 sources other than the textbook. Make sure to follow the APA format.


  1. Strong work ethic; arrive early leave late

  1. High ethical beliefs; clear code of business ethics followed

  1. Strong supervision and control

  1. Encourage whistle-blowing

  1. Health conscious – company wellness program

  1. Allow substantial working from home

  1. Encourage creativity, innovation, and open-mindedness

  1. Support women and minorities

  1. High social responsibility and philanthropy

  1. Regular company meetings

  1. Participative management style

  1. Preserve the natural environment and have a sustainability program

  1. Value the mission of the organization

  1. Value the vision of the organization

  1. Support the growth and development of the employees

Analysis of Organizational Culture :