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History Final Essay:

Compare and Contrast in differences between the Nineteenth- Century North and South. That means in the 1800, in all of the following cases A, B and C.

  1. Describe each of their economies from the American System through 1860. The IDs you need to answer this question: American System that came from 1816.

Then for the North, the Market Revolution that explains all the change that happened and for the South, the main ID that you need is Plantation Slavery.

So, for one, for this essay, part A: Make sure you explain the American System that divided America into manufacturing versus agriculture. Then, talk about the North, which had the market revolution and economic development that went with that. And the South, had plantation slavery upon which the entire southern economy was based.

Please read, rephrase or rewrite with the same meaning all the Power Point slides. Make sure you answer properly using IDs from PDF.

  1. Explain each of their views on proper morals and values for men and women.

ID: Starting with North again, start with the Doctrine of the Spheres ID, which explained men being aggressive and going to work. Women are supposed to be part true womanhood. So, for the NORTH you have these two IDs: Doctrine of the Spheres and True Womanhood.

You can find them in the Power Points (PDF)

And for the South, Two IDs: Code of Honor and Plantation Mistress.

Please read, rephrase or rewrite with the same meaning all the Power Point slides. Make sure you answer properly using IDs from PDF.

  1. Explain each region`s view on secession was illegal and under which circumstances. What was the earliest source of this disagreement?

Explain the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. That`s when Thomas Jefferson and James Madison wrote the Virginia and Kentucky Resolution, saying, “If states felt that Federal Laws were unfair, they could refuse to obey them. They could void them and maybe even secede. Then, just talk a little bit about the Secession Crisis that explained that the South felt, they were going to succeed over Lincoln being President and the issue of slavery being expanded and left alone as states’ rights. But the North felt, once you join the Constitution and the United States you cannot secede. Secession is illegal. So, they made war against the South to prevent it from happening.

You should have roughly a few sentences on each ID. Make an essay that`s about 2-3 pages just answering the question about differences between North and South.

Please read, rephrase or rewrite with the same meaning all the Power Point slides. Make sure you answer properly using IDs from PDF.