Course: Management and Supervision in Criminal Justice For your second submission, you will need to submit a draft of your research paper with several components to ensure you are on the right track:


Unit 1 Research Topic: Decision Making and Police Leadership

Management and Supervision in Criminal Justice

Nicolbe Hernandez

Columbia Southern University

Decision making is a key component and encompasses effective police leadership and supervision. Decision making starts the process of leadership as well as acts an endpoint. Good decision-making leads to higher job satisfaction and great organizational results. It is significant for a leader to make good decisions to ensure the success of the operations in an organization. Hence, leadership gives a marker as to whether an organization is functioning effectively or not. This paper seeks to explore police leadership and the characteristics and the tasks they perform and how decision-making process revolves around leadership.

As a police supervision I have great interest in this topic and seek to unfold how good decision making is significant to effect police leadership. Since it is also my goal to one day become the leader of the department it is imperative to seek greater knowledge on how I can become a better leader through strategic decision making. When making important decisions it’s imperative that all areas are addressed to ensure that I make an informed and accurate decision . In our daily activities’ decisions are being made at every step. Effective leadership garners support and boost job satisfaction and enhance the bottom line and meet organizational goals. Decision making saves time, establish respect, provide motivation, prevent conflict and increase productivity. This paper will seek to analyze the various facets and steps in strategic decision making at the leadership level including analyzing the seven steps in decision making, the nine checkpoints as well as exploring purpose driven decisions.


Whisenand, P. M., & McCain, E. D. (2015). Supervising police personnel: Strengths-based leadership (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Greene, J. R., (2000) Community policing in America: Changing the nature, structure, and function of the police.” In Policies, processes, and decisions of the criminal justice system, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.