Clinical Field Experience B: Using technology-based resources within the social studies classroom supports real-world applications and helps to inspire teachers in their lesson planning and instructio

Technology Resources Observed


Observed technology resource is expertly described, and explanation of how the resource contributed to instruction or engagement is substantial.

Depth of Knowledge and Technology


The description of the depth of knowledge at which the technology was used, or could have been used, is comprehensive.

Additional Technology Resources


Additional technology resources are innovative and description of how they would be used is creative.

Safe, Legal, and Ethical Use of Technology


Explanation of the safe, legal, and ethical use of technology is comprehensive and specific.

Conclusions and Applications to Future Practice


Conclusions and applications to future practice are insightful, demonstrate a keen awareness of the needs of the students, and clearly reflect growth and development as a professional.



The content is well-organized and logical. There is a sequential progression of ideas that relate to each other. The content is presented as a cohesive unit and provides the audience with a clear sense of the main idea.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)


Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.

Total Percentage 100