The company is Netflix, please also use the attached SWOT analysis to create project metrics. Now that you’ve identified the organization’s SWOT, you need to determine the project and its objectives a


The company is Netflix, please also use the attached SWOT analysis to create project metrics. Now that you’ve identified the organization’s SWOT, you need to determine the project and its objectives a 1

Wk 2 – Apply: SWOT Analysis

Name: Selected Organization: Netflix

Complete a SWOT analysis from a global perspective, if applicable.



  • Millions of subscribers

  • No ads

  • Unlimited access to entertainment selection

  • Highly popular

  • Selection is limited and not all popular shows are available

  • Increasing price

  • Loss of revenue due to use by unpaid subscribers



  • Offer wider variety of selections

  • Expand customer market to all countries

  • Stabilize price

  • Increase in streaming services that offer competition

  • No access to certain copyrighted material

  • Increased loss of revenue due to unauthorized digital downloads


Summarize your findings from the SWOT analysis for the CEO of the organization you chose. Address the following in your 2- to 3-page summary:

  • How would you match the organization’s strengths to its opportunities?

  • How would you convert the organization’s weaknesses into strengths?

  • What recommendations do you have to mitigate the impact of the threats?

  • What action(s) does the organization need to take to advance their organization goals and/or expand their competitive advantage?

  • Why does the organization need to take this/these action(s)?

Netflix is an amazing organization that provides customers with an opportunity to have almost unlimited access to entertainment. Termed the world's largest subscription video on-demand service, Netflix has worked hard to reach its elite status (Lobato, 2019). Even with these accolades, a SWOT analysis of the current status of Netflix has revealed areas that could become a cause for concern. This brief analysis will discuss the results of the SWOT analysis while offering suggestions to mitigate the impact of threats and give Netflix even more of a competitive edge.

There are many strengths that help people understand why Netflix is so extremely popular. To begin, Netflix has a substantial customer base as it has more than 100 million subscribers (Jenner, 2018). The subscribers are the persons that pay for the monthly subscription services provided by Netflix and they continue to pay because they are pleased with the product. Subscribers enjoy the ability to have unlimited access to the shows available on Netflix. There is nothing better than being able to binge watch your favorite show in one sitting.

Despite the popularity and increasing revenue of Netflix, there are weaknesses that need to be acknowledged. Netflix’s inability to obtain copyright access for many of the shows provided on their platform is a setback. Some consumers aren’t happy with the fact that they are not always able to access a show they want to see or that their favorite show is no longer available (Lobato, 2019). Additionally, many customers share their access with persons outside of their homes, giving unlimited access to unpaid consumers. Increasing monthly subscription prices is also a cause for friction for customers. These weaknesses need to be addressed to prevent any major negative outcomes.

There are some opportunities to overcome the weaknesses and avoid additional threats. Completely eliminating access to unpaid customers is impossible given the way they are obtaining access, so Netflix needs to expand its market. China is an untouched market for Netflix and presents an opportunity to recover some of that lost revenue (Jenner, 2018). Netflix should also look for other markets where their presence is not as dominating and find ways to increase their popularity. Perhaps reaching these markets could help stabilize pricing and prevent increases in subscription costs for current customers.

No matter what direction Netflix chooses to take, inaction is not an option. There are clear and imminent threats to the continued success of Netflix. Disney + has been increasing in popularity since its inception and it has more advance copyright access than Netflix. Getting the legal department involved would be highly beneficial to work on the issue with copyright access. There is also the significant threat that has risen as a result of customers having the ability to download shows. While that is an amenity that customers love, it is also one of the greatest opportunities for piracy. Consumers can provide others with black market access to this downloaded material. Some consumers can even make an illegal business of downloading shows and then selling them to others. It is understandable that Netflix would upset many customers by removing this amenity. However, Netflix should work to create a plan that limits the number of downloads a customer can make. If possible, Netflix should also look into options that will prevent a downloaded show from being uploaded onto the internet or burned onto some other media. These are merely suggestions, but Netflix will not remain the top streaming service without making some changes.


Jenner, M. (2018). Netflix and the Re-invention of Television. Springer.

Lobato, R. (2019). Netflix nations: The geography of digital distribution. NYU Press.

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