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Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln 16th President During (1861-1865)

Many people, including historians and interdisciplinary scholars, acknowledge Abraham Lincoln as precisely one of the united states' greatest and significant President in light of his enormous achievements to the nation. Abraham Lincoln is crucial because he became the 65th leader or President in a period marked by many challenging aspects across the social, political as well as economic realms and managed to conquer such challenges and steer the nation through greatness. He made various contributions to the US including helping in the culmination of the Civil War, pioneering the Emancipation proclamation, strengthening the deteriorating national government, Gettysburg address, modernizing and expanding the nation's economy, and most importantly he abolished the ill practice of slavery. Lincoln's dedication to American and his optimism for the country's better future has garnered him wide support and praise, with many denoting him as the nation's hero. To fully understand and acknowledge Abraham Lincoln's contributions and significance, this paper attempts to infer from various scholarly works as well as empirical research to shed light on the various Lincoln's contributions and identify some examples which serve to justify him as a hero.

Abraham Lincoln Significance in American History

Abraham Lincoln is a crucial figure even today as far as American history is concerned. People from all spheres regard and position him among the most imperative presidents ever to administer the nation. He led the nation when it was in turmoil and steered her to greater lengths of unity and democracy, which were the ideals of social impact, political freedom, and humanity and served as the strong foundation of the great nation emerging from divisiveness. These factors make Abraham Lincoln of significant interest and great importance. Despite coming from poor and humble backgrounds and being raised by illiterate parents, Lincoln made noteworthy attainments in the political realm beginning from 1834 through to his presidency era. For instance, "He became the house representative of the state of Illinois in 1847-1849 where he campaigned against the Mexican-American War during his term" ("Biography.com Editors"). Before he had even ascended to the presidency, Lincoln had made major contributions in legislation, court cases, and helping in the development of the railroad transport system in Illinois. His early achievements made him arguably one of the most outstanding, eloquent, and influential leaders during that period resulting in his election in 1860.

Led American Civil War

One of the Major contributions Lincoln made to the country was dealing and successfully culminating the bloody civil war. The civil war was the main challenge during Lincoln's presidency and one which posed a great danger to the country's progress. Following the secession of the seven southern states from the American Union and after Lincoln's inauguration in early 1861, a bloody civil war broke out in the nation. This war made Abraham Lincoln wield power and respond to the crisis in a different approach from any of his predecessors. "He distributed $2 million from the Treasury for war material without an appropriation from Congress; he called for 75,000 volunteers into military service without a declaration of war; and he suspended the writ of habeas corpus, arresting and imprisoning suspected Confederate States sympathizers without a warrant" ("Biography.com Editors"). These actions did not bear fruits immediately, however, because many southerners were against his ideology on slavery, where he advocated against the vile. He faced partisan politics as well as rebellions and defiance from all directions, events which made his presidency difficult. However, due to his Unrelenting spirit, he introduced the Emancipation Proclamation, which changed the war course, an act which would see the country spared from total destruction.

Emancipation Proclamation and Gettysburg Address

On January 1, 1863, Abraham introduced the Emancipation Proclamation, a move which reshaped the civil war's course from that of saving the Country's Union to that which advocated for abolishing slavery. The reunification of America appeared difficult due to the defeats the Union army had experienced in the preceding years. Still, in September 1862, the Union army managed to emerge victorious in Antietam. This Victory gave Lincoln much confidence, and he inspired the people to alter the goals of the bloody battles and engage in fighting for substantial aspects. The Emancipation proclamation emphasized that "all individuals who were held as slaves in rebellious states henceforward shall be free" (Lincoln). This proclamation Inspired people in the South to change a course on their slavery beliefs. The National archive documents that Lincoln proclamation in 1863 marked the inception of freedom to people subjected to slavery and made people take the battle from another perspective. This was one of the great contributions during the Lincoln era as this document touched and changed the course of bloody battle.

Later in 1863, Abraham Lincoln further made another major contribution by delivering his imperative speech, "Gettysburg Address," that forever changed and made a significant impact in the history of Us since it inspired the culmination of the bloody war. This was one of his significant achievements and contribution during his presidency because, through his 272 words speech in Gettysburg National Cemetery, he managed to inspire unity and change the face of the country(Riddle). Lincoln, via this speech, changed the civil war course from bringing unity aspect in the nation and further stressed on inclusion, equality as well as eradicating slavery.

Abolished Slavery

Changing the course of the internal war /civil war afforded Lincoln an opportuning to successfully advocate and eradicate the ill vice of slavery. Slavery was always the subject of discussion during his era and contributed much to the war and protests. Initially, the owning of slaves was racial-driven, with the new and powerful settlers owning colored slaves who shared no rights and freedoms. This widespread ill largely contributed to the bloody civil war that nearly stalled the country's development. Lincoln issued a crucial Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, a document that marked the inception of freedom to people subjected to slavery. This was one of the great contributions during the Lincoln era as he brought an end to malice practice that had hampered the countries development by contributing to an escalation of war between the Northerners and the southerners.

Strengthened the National Government

After successfully eradicating the threats of the Civil War and slavery following the Emancipation Proclamation, the famous speech, and many victories in battle, Lincoln would then continue to strengthen, stabilize, and reconstruct the country and the government as well. He introduced policies that encouraged quick reunification with the least retribution. Further, Lincoln managed to hold together a government that was largely divided due to slavery policies and civil war. "As President, he built the Republican Party into a strong national organization. Further, he rallied most of the northern Democrats to the Union cause. Through the Emancipation Proclamation, he declared forever free those slaves within the Confederacy" ("Biography.com Editors"). The aspects were imperative to the government and state as well since a weakened government needed a strong government and a united nation without prejudices.

Modernized the Economy

The country, to recover from division and weakened state, needed an outstanding economy to catch up, and Lincoln played a vital role in expanding and modernizing the nation's economy in this tough time. In the 19th century, America saw a boom in its economy, with new technology and expanding agricultural platform. However, the fall of the financial sector, in addition to the competition from advancing European countries, created extensive unemployment, bankruptcies, and foreclosures (Hormats). Consequently, there were increasing crises, with citizens opposing employment in manufacturing industries and the inequalities in income. Lincoln came up with economic policies that would enable the country to survive the economic turmoil and devised ways to grow the economy(Hormats). He supported the expansion and development of railroad networks, enlargement of Mississippi river traffic, the establishment of national bodies to govern the unified economy and advocated for Homestead laws. All this led to a huge and broad national market, an increased number of property and business owners, resulting in an improved domestic and global economy.


During his tenure, on April 14, 1865, Lincoln established a top-secret commission popularly Known as the Secret Service, which he assigned the task of fighting and preventing currency counterfeiting. This move was imperative as the secret service job would suppress counterfeiting and hence safeguard the economy(Riddle). Although he was assassinated on this very day, he had managed to sign the obligatory legislation for the establishment of this body, which would then become a fruitful organ in America. The body carried out the treasury commission's necessary recommendations aimed at protecting the country's economy. The secret service was later assigned the duties of protecting the country's president, further depicting Lincoln's excellent contribution to the nation.


Despite his major contributions, Abraham, the most decorated President, was assassinated. On a fateful day, April 14, 1865, Booth, a Confederate spy, shot Lincoln bringing his demise(Riddle). His painful and undeserving death through assassination marked a black and dark day for the country, given he had already achieved much to steer the country forward.

In conclusion, Abraham Lincoln left a well-deserved legacy in the history of the nation through his contributions. He used his power to eradicate and culminate civil war as well as slavery. He also strengthened a weaker and volatile government and modernized the countries economy. The country grew and progressed to the strong foundation he laid and the strong character that enabled him to persist in the trying time. Therefore, Lincoln always remains a remarkable hero in America.

Works Cited

"Biography.com Editors." "Abraham Lincoln Biography (1809-1865)". Biography.com. A&E Television Networks, 2020, Published April 2, 2014, www.biography.com/us-president/abraham-lincoln. Accessed August 9, 2020.

Hormats, Robert D. "Abraham Lincoln And the Global Economy." Harvard Business Review, 2003, hbr.org/2003/08/abraham-lincoln-and-the-global-economy. Accessed August 9, 2020.

Lincoln, Abraham. "The Emancipation Proclamation." The US National Archives and Records Administration, 1863, www.archives.gov/exhibits/featured-documents/emancipation-proclamation. Accessed August 9, 2020.

Riddle, Lincoln. "Abraham Lincoln - The Civil War President." War History Online, 2017, www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/10-fascinating-facts-abraham-lincoln-m.html.