Files are attached below, the instructions and my attempt on this.

  1. The threat involves the increasing number of cyber-attacks.

Technology has been evolving to give organizations a chance to run their activities more efficiently. At the same time, attackers have been advancing their techniques, increasing the number of cyber-crimes worldwide. A cyber-attack is a situation whereby one or more computers are used to attack another computer system that holds vital information to exploit the user. (Fruhlinger, 2020)

  1. The technique creates a current threat to computer systems and also has a future impact on them. That is because the attackers are still improving their methods of attack hence can exploit data even from the most secure systems in the world.

  2. It is the responsibility of the system developers to continuously improve the systems to prevent these kinds of attacks that might put the organizations' data at risk.

  3. The cyber-attacks might occur any time primarily to poorly maintained systems of an organization. It also depends on the value of the stored information. A good example is a situation where banks' systems are hacked to access and manipulate financial records held by the facility.

  4. The attacks have been advancing for ages. For example, there were several attacks in the year 2012 around the world. Once the network providers improved their systems, the attackers also developed advanced techniques to access the institution's data. This is clear that the cyber-attacks are still advancing as technology advances. (Gazis, 2020)

  5. Cyber-bullying is one of the significant adverse impacts of computer technology that people face. Within hours, their reputation can be ruined through the use of social media platforms. This has been a significant problem that has affected teenagers and has affected their education. Some even end their lives due to cyberbullying. It is one of the major areas where computer technology has failed humanity.


Retrieved from:

Gazis, O. (2020: May, 28). NSA warns of new cyber-attacks by Russian military hackers. CBS NEWS

Retrieved from: -security-agency-cyberattack-sandworm-russia-hackers/

Fruhlinger, J. (2020: Feb, 27). Cyber-attack: What is cyber-attack? Recent examples show disturbing trends: CSO.

Retrieved from: